chapter 6 - Court of Eda

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Eda, Luz and Hunter spent 3 days trying to figure out how Luz and Hunter would live from now on. Eda did not want them in the system. if that meant she was going to adopt them, then so be it. all Eda knew was she loved Camila like a sister, and she knew that she would've wanted her to take care of Luz and Hunter

Hunter cut himself off, locking himself in the room of the hotel that Eda had booked them into, barely eating, barely sleeping. only surviving on coffee.

Luz acted as if she hadn't witnessed or heard the crashing. she didn't believe Camila had died. impossible right? where's the body? all they said was they were operating and no one explained why they were crying. it was maybe just a mishap like—like a coma!

"Luz" Eda called out. she was playing games on the flat screen in her room. she removed her headphones and paused the game "why aren't you ready?" Eda asked

"ready for?" Eda sighed

"we're going to court, Luz"

"why?" Hunter looked away. you're seriously acting as if mom really didn't die

"just get ready, Luz"


"Edalyn Clawthorne" the woman said, not looking away from her paper.

"that's me" Eda said. the room was thick. she wished she didn't wear this blazer. that among other things

"you have a criminal record" why was Hunter not surprised?

"those are just misunderstandings" Eda said

"what makes you eligible to care for these children?" Luz fiddled in her seat, listening to the conversation that was too awkward to turn away from

"uh, i've known these kids since they were tiny. i helped raise them until i moved to Bonesborough. and um"

"those aren't exactly good reasons. how is your house? can you show us pictures of that?" Eda whipped out her phone and reached to the table which said DO NOT LEAN.

"here you go"

"mhm" the woman swiped then, handed back the phone "and the food? how many times do you go grocery shopping?"

Eda had to stop herself from saying "groceries? what are those?" and just answered with "regularly?" Hunter almost scoffed. the woman sighed, paging through the papers again

"i don't see anything wrong with letting you care for these children, other than the fact that you have a criminal record" Eda sighed of course. "so unless you can prove that you are capable of raising these children. i am inclined to deny your request to adopt these kids"

"wait wait wait. what if i work community service?" Eda was on the verge of begging now. who else could she trust with these children. the thought of leaving them to some unknown scum terrified her

"go on"

"i can work at Hexside, that way i can care for them and work"

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