Chapter 29 - Caress My Cheeks, Little Shadow

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Boy, did it take forever to finish this. I hope you enjoy it and... I'm sorry
Sincerely, Arthur

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Luz noticed Hunter avoid certain rooms and hallways. Within the week, she also hadn't explored the mansion. She doubted she needed to. Hunter always pulled her away from parts of the house. She saw the indoor pool, the entertainment room, the screening room and library so far. She would've said the library was cool, had there been any actual interesting book. Most of them were books having to do with physics theories, which she would've also found interesting, had she liked Phillip.

It got lonely in the house, Luz noticed. Phillip was barely seen, Kikimora well avoided them and Hunter...he stayed in his room, moping. Luz wished he'd talk to her but she didn't know Kiki and Phillip like Hunter did. She didn't know them at all.

But Luz knocked at his door with a huff. Titan, she didn't want to admit it, but she missed her big brother. The door creaked open. Hunter stood in front her, eyes red and puffed. He tried his hardest to conceal it, but he'd been crying. Maybe it was his nightmares again, she'd never know because he'd never tell her!

"Come here" she opened her arms

Slow steps towards her, and a tight hug later, he pulled away, sniffling. "Titan, I probably needed that"

"Come to me more, idiot" Hunter rolled his eyes but let her in.

"You want to tell me about these two now?" Luz day on his bed. She still wasn't used to how floofy the beds were

Hunter sat down on his bed too, head hung and sighing.

- - -

"Hunter!" Hunter perked. Dad was home. He rushed out of the playroom almost stumbling on the way.

"There's my brave little knight" Hunter was engulfed by his father's hug. His embracing, loving hug. There he was, Caleb Wittebane. "Hello, Knight, how are you?"

"I'm ok" Hunter I pulled away to look at his father. He looked exactly like him, just taller and a beard.

"How was India? Did you get to meet monks?" Hunter dragged his father through the halls, knowing he wouldn't be able to move Caleb—Caleb walked of his own volition

"Yes, I met monks, I met many people. I liked it. How was being alone with uncle Phillip?" Hunter stopped for a little while, eyes wide, but he didn't say why.

"It was great" he uttered, pulling his father further "look what I made" Hunter pointed at the LEGO city he managed to build from scratch.

Caleb knee Hunter was smart, but this went beyond saying. So, his mouth hung open after he gasped. "You're a genius" he chuckled.

"Uncle Belos says it needs work" Hunter admitted, head hung low. Of course, Belos criticized Hunter in every way he could, because in truth, Belos saw himself in Hunter. Caleb just wished that Belos would stop taking his frustrations out on his son. So after words of affirmation, Caleb walked over to Belos's office. Not just to greet his brother.

"Ah, brother, welcome back. How was India?" Phillip barely looked up from his paper.

"I heard you discouraged my son" now he looked up. Caleb has sat down, leg resting on his other one, anger written on his face

"Don't be naive," Phillip looked back at his paper "I was simply helping him better himself"

"I'm not asking you to baby him, B, but he's a child. A talented one at that. At least acknowledge him"

"I do acknowledge him. Look—never mind that. I found something" Phillip turned his laptop to face Phillip. Yes, of course, diverting back to work.

"We're Not done here"

"Well, I am" Phillip grimaced

A few months later, Caleb died, assassinated by an organization who desperately wanted the technology at EI produced. Then this wasn't about the betterment of mankind anymore. It was about revenge. So, against Caleb's wishes, Phillip taught Hunter how to be faster, smarter, better than everyone else, hardening him. Making him reliant on him.

"Start again" he'd say, whenever he failed. Over and over again

Start again start again start again startagainstartagainstartagain. Pathetic!pathetic! You are nothing of what your father once was!

"Hunter, I apologize. I lost control. I only want what's best for you, for our family—what's left of our family" Phillip walked closer, caressing Hunter's cheek. The touch made Hunter flinch, but he relaxed again in an instant.

"It's ok," Hunter sniffled "I'll start again" Hunter went back to the math problem on the blackboard, which Phillip purchased about a month earlier.

"Good boy. It'll all work out, I promise" and Hunter believed him. For almost two years, Hunter believed him. But each day, Hunter dreaded waking up, knowing that he'd again be pathetic, worthless. He wanted to prove himself to his uncle. But Phillip, Who Hunter was forced to call Belos now, was a harsh mentor.

"Your father could do so much better at your age!" Belos shouted

That night, Hunter managed to run away. He always assumed Belos would find him but he never did. He stayed for two nights without food or water, feeling like he was dying, until someone found him, and he lived in the orphanage for another four months.

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Hunter didn't tell all that to Luz though. He couldn't find the words. All he knew was that he loved his father, and he hated the way he loved his uncle. So, with a shake of his head and tear threatening to pour down his cheek, he croaked, "B—Phillip is a bad person"

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