chapter 11 - Trust a Good Devil

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apologies for the delayed update, this chapter was weird to write and i was really busy with school

anyways, have fun with this,




Luz had her first class the next day. it wasn't from her film class. if you remember, she entered every track. her first class was going to be Engineering. so, for her first class (since she wanted to impress) she wore what she called her "impressive outfit." it was just loose jeans, a blue Tee, a leather jacket and her favorite beanie. all of which she thrifted back in Hartford.

Hunter was also in this class as he had joined two tracks. so, since they knew no one else. they were pretty much together, despite not wanting to.

their teacher was a blue-haired woman whom Hunter seemed to tolerate. she was boring though, according to Luz.

they sat in a circle as the woman, Lilith (apparently, students were allowed to refer to teachers by their first name) spoke about the making of AI. it was supposed to be interactive but Lilith could barely hold a conversation.

while she spoke, a brown-haired girl leaned in to whisper in Luz's ear "so, do you know Mr hunk?" she said

"what?" Luz answered

"the blondie next to you?" the girl continued "is he your boyfriend?"

"ew, that's my brother" Luz cringed

"so i can make my move?"

"that's not a good idea" Luz said "he's—"

"Luz!" Lilith called out "anything to add?"

"nope" Luz gasped, shaking her head.

and of course Amity was disturbed at the fact that Luz was here. Luz basically answered most of the questions before Amity could. and Hunter? he answered what Luz didn't. these two were trouble. and this early in the year. if Amity didn't secure top of the class this year, her parents would kill her

then it came to the teacher giving the group a task. Lilith explained the task: in the span of two weeks, students put in groups were going to code an AI made for entertainment. so its job was to keep the user company. this was something similar to a task they had last year, so, Amity already knew the basis of the code. what would challenge her wasn't the task, rather the group of people she was put in. she was in a group with none other than half-a-witch Willow (oh she was bound to fail) and Luz, the annoying and inconceivable and irresponsible human being.

after they were put into groups, the students were dismissed. free to do whatever. but Amity insisted they get a start on their project that same day. so, they made their way to club Frigg and reserved the lab for themselves.

they could not agree on anything and their differences led to fights and the more they struggled on the project, the more their anger rose. specifically, Amity. she lashed out on both of them until finally they picked a theme for their project. but Willow did not know a single thing about engineering. especially anything to do with computer codes. so Amity's anger was constantly thrown in Willow's direction. Luz would always intervene and tell Amity to cool off or take a walk but that just resulted in Amity picking a fight with Luz.

whilst draft program ran, the program had crashed. Amity immediately blamed Willow. "ugh, of course. half-a-witch Willow would mess up again"

"Amity!" Luz said "alright no. we're picking this up another day"


"we're tired, we're hungry and we don't have the energy to put up with your bullshit"

"i'm the captain and i--"

"hi, so captain, make better choices" Luz interrupt

"fine," Amity groaned

"but we're coming back here tomorrow"

"nope, i have class" Luz answered


"i'm not in one track only, you know" Luz shrugged "friday. come on, Willow"



Hunter was in a group with complete morons in his opinion. they all decided that they were going to meet the next day but they were going to come up of ideas on their own. Hunter knew he was going to have to come up with all the ideas. he didn't mind, so long as he got a good grade he was fine. but if these idiots interfered with him having a good grade, he was going to go to jail.

after class, Hunter went to the cafe. he had his iced coffee in silence, in the table in the corner. that was until Edric noticed him. this time he was alone. he never thought he'd see the one of the twins by themselves.

Edric made his way to Hunter's table and sat across him.

"you're just sitting here" he says


"do you want coffee?"

"i'm good"

"You look bored" Edric said " how about some fun?" it was hard to imagine Hunter actually hanging out with people his age. He never did.

Hesitantly, he thought about it. And boy, it was an internal struggle. What exactly would he gain from hanging out with the Blight twin? And what would he lose? His dignity? He didn't even want to think about that

"Come on," Edric purred "trust a good devil, won't you?" And that was all it took for Hunter to agree, knowing he'd regret it. Bless his persuaded heart

- - -

Edric took him up a flight of stairs, to the roof. It was currently 18:34 so it was getting dark. The sunset was a beautiful setting, especially from the view the had. Though, Hunter with constantly thinking how in Titan's name Edric was able to get up here with no restrictions

"See those people down there?" Edric questioned, pointing at the people outside the building "those are members of the Frigg track" he pulled out a box from the corner and from it, he picked up a water balloon "let's have some fun"

"Won't we get in trouble?" Hunter trembled

"Not when you have my parents" now Hunter wondered: who were Edric's parents and why did their names have so much weight here "grab one"

Taking in a deep breath, Hunter picked up the water balloon and felt around in his hand. Only twice had he ever picked on up. It felt weird doing it again

"Ok, throw!" In sync, Edric and Hunter releases their water balloons into the air and watched them fall onto the group of students. Edric has to try so hard not to laugh, especially since his sister was part of that group. He could feel the red on her face even though he couldn't see it

"Edric Alador Blight!" that was Amity's voice. the annoying one from class, right? Hunter thought she was too prissy. Blight, Blight, Blight. Alador Blight? Alador Blight! Hunter knew that name. he is an amazing engineer. of course Edric would be in the same school as the brilliant inventor. though, why didn't he study engineering? 

"duck!" Edric pulled Hunter down so they weren't visible 

"i am so going to kill you!" the younger Blight sister shouted 

"shit shit shit, run!" dragging Hunter, they rushed away from the roof. anywhere but a secluded place with Amity, Edric thought

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