Chapter 23 - Revisiting Memories

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I just wanna say, thank you for 263 reads. Damn that's a lot—like really. I hope your guys recognize which episode I based this chapter off of and I hope you like it.
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Luz barely saw Amity after that. Even after the party. It worried her. But Amity sort of did make it clear that she wasn't her friend and Luz was willing to respect that. So, after a few days of Amity ignoring her, she decided to leave her alone.

Weeks pass, Luz can finally say she's gotten used to the school. As comfortable as she could be in the school.

Her creativity class had introduced photography this week. Her assignment was to find a subject to study and use both old and new pictures to create a collage of their personality. And Luz has no idea who her muse was going to be. Her first thought was Amity. In her words "she has a pretty face" but Amity was ignoring her and had been for a month. After Amity, she had no idea.

While walking to the cafe, she bumped into someone, snapping her out of her thoughts. And she relentlessly apologized. If the person didn't stop her, she would've apologized for hours

"Luz," Luz finally looked up to see who she had made contact with. Oh, it's just Willow

"Hi Willow" Luz smiled

"Stop apologizing" Willow said

"Got it" they walked together to get a seat and Willow then asked "what's got you so stressed?"

"This new assignment in my CR class. I need a muse for my college, but I can't think of anyone willing to help" Luz slumped in her chair like the hopeless main character in a crisis

"I can help" Willow suggested and Luz immediately perked up in interest

"Really?" She said

"Of course" Willow smiled

"Oh my god, thank you"

"What do we need to do?"

"Ok so I need your old pictures, like printed old pictures, then I need to take new pictures and we're done"

"That's it?"

"Yep" Luz nodded

"Ok, so when do you want the old pictures?"

"Now, if that's fine with you" Willow thought about it for a second. She had nothing going on so what the heck? Why not?

"Ok, let's go to my room"

Luz swiped her coffee off the table in a rush and followed Willow through the walls and into her new clubhouse, which she's been in about a thousand times. After murmuring some greetings to some students, they made their way into Willow's room

Luz had not to be uncomfortable in her room but she always felt like she was intruding. She sat down on Willow's beanbag chair as Willow, without any further words uttered, searched for her pictures.

"And here they are" Willow said as she threw an album into the bed. Luz, curious and excited as she was, hurried into the bed, waiting for Willow to open it

Flipping through the pages, Luz's eyes widened like a child. Willow's life was peaceful. And her dads seemed charismatic. Her face only fell when she noticed a certain brunette playing with Willow. Though her hair is green now.

"Is that—?" Willow quickly closed the album before Luz could finish her sentence

"We were friends years ago" Willow answered

"What happened?"

"People change" Willow handed Luz the album with a saddened face "here you go"

"Thanks" Luz muttered

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