Chapter 31 - A Day Without Odalia Blight

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Luz and Amity's eyes stayed wide and their bodies frozen. So many questions, so little time. They both opened and closed their mouths as if wanting to say something, but was too stunned to speak.

"If my parents are involved..." Amity had to sit down. Bonesborough domination. What a thing to think about.

"Wait, wait. What exactly is the Emperor's Initiative. What's the plan?" Luz questioned

"I don't know. It's not like he'd tell a child" Hunter groaned "But we can find out" Hunter glanced at the screen, suggesting that the three take a look at whatever plans Belos and the Blights were concocting.  Hunter stalked closer to the screen to read upon what was said.

EI - Emperor's Initiative.

Plans for worldwide peace

"Worldwide?" Luz shivered "What does he mean worldwide peace?"

"Hunter?" Amity's voice wavered. Sure, she knew her parents were evil but they were just bad parents. If what Hunter said was true, then she was basically helping them make Belos a tyrant.

"I-I don't know"

Then, Amity's phone rang. Her hands shaking, she pulled it out. No surprise, her mother was calling. "Hello?" she answered

"Amity? Where are you? The evening is about to end, I need you here to properly end it!" She could tell her mother was alone because she wouldn't have said all that in that tone in front of people. Especially Belos Wittebane.

"I'm--" Amity stopped herself. What could she say? What in Titans name could she utter out of her mouth that could make it seem like everything was ok? Nothing. "I'm not far" Amity answers. She noticed the twins always answered blatantly, leaving out key details or any details, to be honest.

"Where is not far?"

"I'll be right back, mom, my phone's about to die" Amity hung up and put her phone back into her purse. "We need to go"

"But we need to find out about this" Luz argued

"We will," Amity countered "but now, we got to go"

They rushed out of the lab, making sure they left it looking like they hadn't disturbed anything. Hopefully they wouldn't get caught. With the cameras down, curtesy of Amity's hacking, the three ran out back into the halls of the building and into the main hall where the banquet was being held.

"There they are" Odalia smiled, as they entered "now," she gave Amity a knowing look of disappointment and sass. No doubt would Amity get a earful in the car. "With that all said, we hope that we are able to make a deal?"

Hunter, Amity And Luz states by the door as Phillip rose from his seat, straightening his suit. "We'll keep in contact, Odalia. For now, good work. I see very promising things in your future"

- - -

"Where were you?" Phillip questioned, barely looking at Hunter, but he didn't need to, to know Hunter was shaking in his seat.

"We were...we were..." Hunter couldn't think of anything. Instead, he played with his fingers

"I never taught you to be a liar, Hunter" Phillip said "There are consequences to your lies and you know them" that sounded like a threat to Luz and she didn't like it, because truly, Hunter did know, and she didn't.

"Yes, uncle" Hunter gulped

"So tell me, where were you?"

"We were exploring the building"

"Were you now?" Phillip leaned back into his seat. It seemed like that was an acceptable answer, so Hunter stuck to it, breathing out in relief. "Find anything to your liking?"

"No, uncle"

"hm, thought as much" Titan, Hunter wished this car ride was over "school starts soon. Do you best, understand?"

"Always" Hunter muttered

When the car arrived at the mansion, Luz and Hunter were sent inside. Belos wasn't going to sleep home tonight. He had things to do.

Luz just wished she could see Eda, but she wasn't even allowed to leave the estate! And school was starting tomorrow. With everything that she found out tonight, how would she move on?

She plopped herself on her bed. Her extremely soft and luxurious bed with many pillows and squishies. Titan, tomorrow would be painful.

- - -

As Amity thought, her ears bled from the amount of yelling her mother did in the car. It was even worse at home, until Oralia decided it was way too for Amity to be up. "Please, pray tell, why you're still awake, Amity?" The bi-polarity of this woman.

"I'm sorry, mom, I'll go to bed now"

"Good. Go on" Amity stood up from the couch, glancing at her father, who sat on his chair with a pained expression on his face.

Walking away, she barely looked at her father. He wouldn't have done anything anyway.

In her room, the first thing she did, was set her LED lights to blue and plop herself on her bed with a tired sigh. Not even bothering to change out of her ridiculous outfit, she fell asleep. Tomorrow was a better day. A day without Oralia Blight

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