Chapter 13 - My Hero Hairband

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Luz found Amity in the kids section, reading a book. It looked like the same one she was reading to the kids earlier. But Luz wasn't going to stare for too long. Even though it felt like she had. She had to talk to Amity, to call truce

So, Luz sat next to her in silence, not really knowing what to say.

"What's the book about?" She finally asked. Amity sighed but still answered

"It's about this animal with no friends. It's a made up animal but he has no friends and through the book he learns how to be one. It was my favorite as a kid"

"Sounds amazing" Luz said "I'm sorry"


"You don't forgive me" Luz stated


"That's ok— you have every right to be mad at me. I understand"

"Don't act like the good guy, Luz"

"I'm not trying to" Luz shrugged "how about this— I tell you a secret of mine" Amity looked at Luz, unimpressed but waiting for Luz to go on "and since I heard like five, it'll be a juicy one. And you can tell anyone you want. I know this isn't going to help with the broken tablet but uh maybe I can pay—"

"No offense but I doubt that"

"Please...let me try" Luz looked back at Amity with pleading eyes—human eyes. Amity hadn't seen truly compassionate human eyes in years. But Luz was pleading. Not to be her friend and get social status, but to help her pay for a tablet she could pay for with her own pocket money. So, sighing, Amity gave in.

"Fine. T—Tell me your secret" she said dismissively

"Ok, it's not really a secret but it's something I don't want to tell a lot of people. But—" tears started rolling down Luz's face and she barely even begun. Sniffling, she continued: "but uh, i live with Eda the owl lady" the owl lady was always an alias for when Eda was making deals in the night market "I live with her because my mom died about week ago"

"I— I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone. Amity promised

"No tell people. I want you to tell people. If it makes you feel better" Amity shook her head. Absolutely not

"No, I'm not doing that. I promise I won't tell anyone"

"Thank you" Luz smiled, sniffling

"And I accept you apology. It was wrong to call you a bully. You aren't one. And I haven't exactly been the best person so...I'll have to think in that"

"Hey, I noticed you read Azura but you didn't have the fourth book, I can lend it to you, if you want"

"Really?" Luz's tears were now gone, but there was still wavering in her voice.

"Yeah, of course..." Luz took Amity's extra hairband. She always wore it on her left hand "I'll just take this so you'll have something to want back in case you plan on keeping it"

"You do know I have like five more in my room, right?" Amity chuckled

"Possibly, but I'm still taking this"

"Do what you must" Amity shrugged "let's go. Oh, and I'll be expecting the book in the morning, if taking my hairband is a consequence" together they walked back through the almost endless rows of bookshelves to the door

"Deal" but upon getting there, the door was locked

"Shit, I don't have my keycard" Amity said, slapping  her forehead

"Then how did you get in?" Luz questioned

"I found the door open" Amity shrugged

"Where are the twins?" At first Amity would've asked why Luz would ask for the twins but her eyes widened in realization it a minute later

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