Chapter 12

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“And then today, the bastard who clearly wants me to cut his dick off, tie a red ribbon around it and mail it to the North Pole had me against the fucking wall. He said something about tasting my Cherry when it ripens. I swear him and I are gonna have Changeling War III if he touches me again.” Bling narrated everything that transpired when Tycen wasn't around, from meeting Nikolai in the Culinary club - meeting Sanjay in the hallway - her preheat and all events that led up to the present day.

Tycen cocked his head to the right with curious little eyes, “I didn't know. I'm sorry I wasn't around. I'm sorry for being a disappointment. I'm sorry for being so w—”

“Tycen Roderigo stop that bullshit right this instant!” Bling nipped his statement in the bud.

“But it's my fault, I should've been there to help. Even though I'm a useless and valueless Omega. With rotten blood pumping through my veins.” He averted his gaze, rubbing his left arm with a glum expression.

“Tycen, what the hell happened today?” Her tone is now a serious, stern one. Tycen gulped.

He told her about all the things Alpha Xavier said to him, and then how he fell into Romayne's arms and the way he gazed at him. With so much intensity and tenderness that at a point, he thought the look in his eyes are genuine. But that can't be determined, as a matter-of-factly that's flatly impossible; Romayne isn't a gay like him.

He is straight, handsome, athletic, an excellent swimmer which is quite useful given the fact that eighty percent of Werewolves don't know how to swim because they are terrified of water, similar to cats. He has a bright future ahead of him, he will be an Alpha someday and will get an intelligent and outstandingly beautiful Luna for his pack and to bare his heirs.

‘What the hell am I even thinking, why am I pondering about him? Am I simping over a god-damn playboy who is straighter than the word itself? Get a grip over yourself for christ's sake Tycen!’

“Berry! Did you just go ghost on me? I feel a way.” Bling could only pout at him and fold her arms, pretending to be cute and enraged simultaneously.

“Am so sorry, I was just thinking about today. I'm glad nobody got hurt and that, we didn't have to see 'them' for most of the day.”

“Berry, enough about those assholes who are nothing but basic bitches with daddy issues. Let's go to bed for now, okay?” Pulling him in for a hug she placed a soft kiss at his forehead after brushing some of his stubbornly lingering hair to the sides of his forehead.

Even though both are teenagers, eighteen years of age she was born first. She enjoys nothing but to baby him who, enjoys it.

Vanessa stared up at the moon surrounded by shimmering twinkling stars, her left leg is up while the other is on the bed and sort of spread. Her sheet which has the pattern of a wolf howling at the full moon is carelessly hanging at the side of her bed.

“Soon, the second day of the equinox will arrive. Now I'm old enough, will I finally meet my mate? Will he accept me even though my blood is mixed with an Omega's? Will he...reject me?” She heaved a sigh and shut her eyes, she wants to see her mate.

An equinox lasts two days in a year, basically on these specific days, day and night are approximately of the same length, however, both nights have full moons. And the moons, turn scarlett red, irradiating the whole land.

During this period, a ceremony is normally held. Everyone searches for their mates there, it happens every three years. And now, Vanessa will be at Alpha Xavier's ceremony, to look for her mate who hopefully....

Won't reject but accept her.

“(Groans,) Fuck emotions,” She let out a groan and turned sideways with a frown dancing on her brows.


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