Holly O'Hair: Royal or Rebel?

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Holly O'Hair future Rapnuzel and one of the more relaxed Royals at Ever After High.  Or is she?

It was established early in the series that Holly is the eldest daughter of Rapunzel and as such inherited her legacy. It was also established that Holly is very happy to carry on that story and fulfil her destiny as a Royal, but I have been wondering, does her Royal status still stand given the events of O'Hair's Split Ends?

For those who need a recap of the episode, Poppy gets a mirrorphone call from their Nanny Nona who reveals that Poppy is in fact the older twin and therefore should be the one to inherit the Rapunzel story.  When Poppy tells Holly the two agree to keep that a secret so that they can both have the destinies that they want.

That may seem insignificant in the big scheme of things, but it does call into question Holly's status as a Royal.

Since she now knows that isn't actually her destiny, but is still sticking with it anyway, meaning that she's actively choosing her destiny, can she still be seen as a Royal?  Or is she technically a Royal simply because she believes in following in the footsteps of her parents? Does this technicality actually change anything or not?

What do you guys think? Let me know in a comment!

Until my next rant, have a hexellent day!

~ Lexa

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