Who Speaks for the Wonderlandians?

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I briefly mentioned in one of my previous rants that we don't see enough of Lizzie Hearts, and in this rant I'm going to talk more about that.

So, some of you probably know that Lizzie is one of my favourite EAH characters and that is the reason I'm going to be talking about her today.

I love everything about Lizzie, her loyalty to her story, her devotion to her friends, and the way she is slightly socially inept in some episodes since her mother raised her to see people as her future subjects instead of friends.  Even  the way she shouts "off with their heads" which also somehow applies to everything including "off with the foam" from Hocus Latte.

However, the one thing that bothers me is that, for some reason, despite being one of Wonderland's most famous residents, she doesn't get that much screen time. We see her in a few episodes, and of course the Way Too Wonderland special, but otherwise we don't really get to see that much of her.  She's not one of the main characters as such, except in the aforementioned special, and I think it's sad.  I think that she deserved a few more episodes that were centred around her, for an example please refer to my chapter in this book titled Riddlish.

 Not only this, but when it comes to things about Wonderland, the land that she is supposed to rule when she gets older, we find out most information about it from Maddie.  Such as when she leads the way to the Wonderland Grove when it's losing its magical madness.  It genuinely confuses me when they imply that Maddie is like the spokesperson for the Wonderlandians.

Now don't get me wrong, I love Maddie as a character, but it doesn't make much sense that she should speak for the other residents of Wonderland.  Rather, it seems to me that it would make more sense if Lizzie had a bigger role in things like that.  After all, as I said, she is the future Queen of Hearts and she does own the map to the magical Wishing Well as shown in the special Spring Unsprung.

With that in mind, I would have liked to have seen more of Lizzie speaking for the other Wonderland students.

Of course this is only my opinion, feel free to disagree if you like.  Actually, I'd love to hear what you guys think about this, whether you agree or disagree, just let me know in a comment!  Also, if there are other topics that you'd like me to cover then feel free to either leave a comment or PM me!

Until my next rant, have a hexellent day everyone!

- Lexa

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