Unnecessary Character Hate

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Thank you to @burntdetective for suggesting that I talk about this topic!

We all hate one or two characters in every fandom for some reason or other, right?  Whether it's because we don't like their attitude towards our favourite character or we don't think that they have enough personality, we all dislike a few characters here and there.  That being said, sometimes the amount hate directed at characters can be a little over the top, especially when there is very little or no real grounds for the hate in the first place.

Let's take Apple White for example.  Now, I don't particularly like Apple (I'll get to my reasons why in later rants, so stay tuned for that), but I don't hate her either.  So when I see people ranting about how "stupid" etc. she is, it makes me feel a little annoyed.  There are ways to express your opinion without slamming a character into the ground and jumping up and down on the feelings of people who might actually like that character.

I recently read a piece by someone who hated Briar Beauty, and while I like her, I respect that they don't.  However, what I didn't like was the way they expressed their opinion.  I won't quote directly what they said, but their piece was so sloppily written that trying to understand what they were saying was actually really difficult.  If you want people to understand your perspective then write it in a way that is understandable people!  Plus, please don't take things out of context.  That is really low.  You can't say that Briar is selfish because she didn't want to sleep just because she was going to miss out on partying when she so clearly explained in Thronecoming that the real reason she didn't want to sleep was because she was going to lose the friends she cared so much about.

Also, can I just say that I don't think it's fair to hate on a character because you don't think they have enough personality?  I mean, that's more the writer's fault than the character itself and I feel like people forget that sometimes.  For those who are wondering which character I'm referring to, I'm talking about Alistair Wonderland and Bunny Blanc.  I personally think they're ok characters, but apparently not everyone agrees, which is fair enough.

Then there's Daring Charming.  I've seen plenty of people labelling him as a "player" and the like because he spends time with a number of girls, namely Apple, Cerise, Lizzie and Rosabella.  I don't think it's fair to label him simply because he goes out with different girls. Side note- Daring and Apple were never actually dating, so please take note people who have accused him of cheating on her.  I ask you, isn't it normal for kids in high school to have crushes on different people?  Most people don't just have one crush for their entire lives at school.

The intense hating of these and the other characters really should stop.  Of course you can dislike a character, that's normal, but there is no reason to get into nasty arguments with other people on the internet simply because you disagree with them about a character or a ship, ok?  Surely we can all agree on that.

Anyway, I've said my bit, what do you guys think?  Are there any characters you believe are hated unjustly?  Let me know in a comment!  Plus, feel free to add more suggestions for my future rants, your suggestions are more than welcome!

Until my next rant, have a hexellent day everyone!

- Lexa

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