Tiny Charm

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I was rewatching some webisodes yesterday and I came across Nina Thumbell's introduction episode Thumb-believable! It was a good episode, as most are, but the ending intrigued, and kind of infuriated me.

For those who need a recap: Raven finds a charm that belonged to her mother, a gem, which when you touch it, it shrinks you. So, they shrink and Nina Thumbell takes Raven, Apple, Maddie and Rosabella on a tour of Ever After High from a new small perspective.  Afterward, Raven decides that the charm is too unpredictable and throws it out the window into the bin, except that it misses the bin and lands on the ground, where it is picked up by none other than Tiny, the giant. We see the flash, implying that Tiny has been shrunk, but that is where the episode ends.

In a stinking cliff hanger! Argh!  And what's worse is that they never returned to make a part 2 of the webisode!!

There is so much wasted potential here!  I want to see what Tiny looks like when he's the same height as everyone else! All we ever see is his feet, this would have been the perfect opportunity to show what the rest of him looks like!

On top of that, we could have had an episode where Tiny gets to experience everything from a new perspective! I think it would have been adorable to watch him react to suddenly being able to do everything the rest of the students do, without his usual giant stature. Even seeing him being able to use the castle doors without squeezing through them, as he mentions in Maddie-in Chief.

Why didn't Mattel let us have this?! Why end the episode that way and then pretend it never happened?!  It's so frustrating!  If EAH gets a reboot then I want to see the part 2 to this episode! Plus more of Nina Thumbell in general because we don't see much of her. 

Anyway, that's my rant for today, until next time, have a hexellent day everyone!

- Lexa

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