hr complaint!

851 28 31

"How are they?"

Tom turned his head to the voice. It was still dark and still disheartening.

"Sir, they're not on."

"Oh." Suddenly a cold yet familiar impression of metal pressed against the side of his head. "There's a button over here, you have to hold it down."

It took a few seconds before a shock of electricity ran through his skull, forcing Tom to grab his face in horror as he fell to the ground. "Fuck! Why didn't you warn me!?" Tord was right at his side, rubbing soothing circles along his back. It didn't help much, the pain was at an unreachable place behind Tom's eyes, but he appreciated the late sentiment.

"Unnskyld kjære, it has to connect to your occipital lobe. It probably shot through a few nerve endings, hm?" Tord clapsed Tom's hands, bringing him up from the ground. "You'll be okay. Just open your eyes and tell me what you see."

"Ugh.. Don't expect anything to happen."

The past week has been the hardest Tom would ever have to live through. What was once his perfect vision now disintegrated into a warped sense of the world. All familiar faces were a blur, bumping into corners and objects and unable to read the label off of his Smirnoff bottle. The blurred reality would only worsen, as life got darker and darker. Tom attempted to face the beautiful sunrise one morning; all that came to him was a sunset, dark and uninviting. Even now, he's afraid he was forgetting what his friends looked like. What Tord looked like.

Tord brushed a few locks of hair out of his covered face. "Are you scared? It's okay, we can always make adjustments. This is the first round of our attempt at vision aids... hell, this could help our entire community if we figure it out." That was a comforting thought. "Jeg vil gjøre hva som helst... alt for deg, min kjære."

Smiling at the kind words in his mother tongue, Tom nodded. "I know.."

He snapped his eyes open.

Instead of the burning, grim vision Tom was expecting, he was greeted with the bright luminescent lights of the hospital room. He took a few steps back, covering his newfound goggles and blinking back a few pained tears that threatened to fall. "God, it's bright!" He let out another groan of pain before laughing, stumbling forward over to Tord. "Tord! It's bright, I can see! You genius motherfucker!" He leaped into his leader's arms, jumping around like an excited dog released from it's leash. Tord was more than welcoming with the embrace, planting kisses along the side of Tom's face.

It was the happiest he's seen of the Brit in weeks.

"Look at you! I missed those gross scars," Tom joked. Tord playfully smacked him in response. "Hey! You can't hit a blind man, Commie. I'll have to report you to HR."

"Blind my ass. I am HR," Tord smirked. "Jokes aside, how is it? Does everything look alright?"

"Hm.." Tom stepped away for a second, looking at his colorful surroundings. It was sad to realize that it was hard to compare it to when he had vision. After weeks of near blindness, it was possible that he may have forgotten what the world looked like in the eyes of a normal person. Shrugging, he turned back to the other. "I'm honestly not sure. Though I think the red on your uniform is pretty gray.."

Tord smiled. "Ah, sounds like the L-cones in your retinas aren't completely settled in with the connection. We'll get started on the new one right away."

"Right now?" He frowned.

"No, because you're clearly begging for my undivided attention."

"Yes, dumbass. You're my boyfriend before my boss." Tom grabbed Tord's arm, dragging him into his hospital room. It was nice having a room all to himself, despite the fact that all he's been doing here was sleeping and crying himself to sleep from the unbearable pain. "Just stay here for now. I finally get to see you. Like actually see you. You've been working on this prototype for a while now..."

And really, Tord had no objections.

"It is getting late, and we're already past the formalities." He laughed, finally relaxing himself. All that tension would be sure to backfire on his poor muscles. "You switch up on calling me sir way too easily, Thomas." Before they went to sit on the couch, he discarded a few layers of his uncomfortable uniform. "At least be consistent."

"Okay, mister Thorfrid Ivar Bjørn Døendeström. Is that better for you?"

"You're pushing it." He growled, clenching his metallic arm as some sort of threat.

"Wow, I see. Attack a blind man when his back is turned! That's low."

Tord had a feeling he was going to be dealing with blind jokes for the rest of his life.


requests are open, if any. from what I gathered with my recent update, the fandom is smaller since I departed :(

I haven't written them in ages. so this was a warm up of sorts :)

TomTord OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now