Updated Tord Headcanons

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Ayo so this isn't a chapter,,, and I'm back,,,,
But I'm gonna make a nsfw one next (because I realize that I've deleted most of my nsfw chapters and now it's all sfw 😔😔)

But I have some new Tord headcanons y'all,,, me and burntbagellss brainstormed most of them

I'll try not to make more chapters of headcanons because I know it's annoying and y'all want the TomTord so this is probably the last one

I'll try not to make more chapters of headcanons because I know it's annoying and y'all want the TomTord so this is probably the last one

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•FULL NAME is Thorfrid Døendeström

•He hates the name "Thorfrid" so fucking much, hence his nickname "Tord" that he makes everyone use.

•Maybeee he hates his name because of a certain abusive father?

•When Edd and Tom are mad at Tord for being a feral dumbass, they call him by his full name. That gets him angry fast.

Changed heights lol

Tord: 5'9 1/2
Tom: 5'6
Edd: 6'2
Matt: 6'0

Age/Looks (Again?? I'm clowning)

•He's very sensitive about ageing and it's hilarious

•When he's around 28, that's around the time he gets his crisis

•Motherfucker loves himself because he's an egotistical asshole, but once he sees a gray hair when he looks in the mirror? Snaps.

•One reason why he does yoga with Matt other than trying to be flexibe is because he felt his back crack once and is now in fear that his body is betraying him

•Also has those wrinkles at the side of your eyes?? Not explicit of course, but there's a slight line and it's lowkey attractive so shut the fuck up Tord

•Other than that? Loves his looks, he's almost as bad as Matt

Relationship with the Edd and Tom (still figuring Matt out)

•Tord first met Edd in middleschool (excuse my American, England)

•Probably in 6th grade, and met him in art class!! (Yeah I know in that one episode they showed the boys all together in a younger age but fuck it)

•Tom was jealous of Tord because he thought Tord took the only friend that truly loved him, Edd, and now Edd liked Tord more than him.

•However, Tord and Tom bonded over something, maybe while Tom was over at Edd's to help with Tord's english, and then they started liking each other. Honestly, Tord was just confused to as why Tom hated him so much.

•It all fell apart after highschool, though.

Highschool/Middleschool Tord

•He was actually a smart kid.

•Probably one of those kids who were good at math but sucked at essays (especially since Tord had shit English)

•Did I mention he had shit English?


Edd: Tord, I brought Tom over, is that okay??
Tord: w-
Edd: Good! Anyways, you've met Tom before, yeah?
Tord, shaking his head: Nei.. Uh.. Hallo, T-Töm??
Tom, glaring because he has absolutely met him before: No, it's Tom.
Tord: Ah!! Ja ja, Tœm
Tom, fuming: No, it's fucking "TOM"!! How hard is that?!?!
Tord, rolling his eyes: Drittsekk, du jævla vatnisse..
Tom, rolling up his sleeves: OH SO YOU WANNA FIGHT HUH-

•In middleschool he was well reserved and was that one kid who read manga during class and wore black all the time despite it being HOT ASF SUMMER.

•But in highschool? He started getting a little social. Somehow, he was both ugly asf and hot as all hell. Probably because, due to his genetics, he looked kinda older than the other boys. (And has shit acne)

•That's how he was getting the girls, despite being a greasy little rat. Everyone was so flabbergasted for why Tord of all students was gaining popularity.

•Got laid for the first time at a party, but didn't know shit about actual sex so a kind girl taught him the ropes. That started developing the man we have today.

•Was still friends with Tom!! Low-key had a crush on him but was too ashamed to really show it. So he never acted upon his feelings, and instead sketched Tom a lot when he was feeling pretty damn emotionally frustrated.

•Tom lowkey liked Tord too. Again, they're cowards.

•In senior year, Tord was a much more popular man, but not as much as how he was in college and present time.


•He's changed. A lot.

•No longer was he the pale, somewhat loser. Now he was going to frat parties and drinking away like the young man he is.

•Worked out a lot to gain more muscle, aspires to join an army of some sort (maybe the neo red army? 🤧)

•However, he majored in mechanics. Or chemical science? Honestly, he's a smart man. He uses his smarts for the dumbest shit, but he's a smart man and went to a great college. To bad his absolute rat bastard personality cancels that trait out.

•Oh yeah, he got split up with the three since they all went to different colleges. That's when his relationship with Tom tumbled.

•Tom started getting more cynical as his life went on, of course. Tord promised he'd try to keep up with Tom while they were in college, but never did. Tom never really sought out how much Tord changed.. Until...

•After college, Tord moved in with the three, and Tom was fucking furious at Edd for allowing it, but didn't really speak up. He thought that maybe, they could rekindle their relationship?

•Nope. Tom finds out how much Tord has changed. He's so egotistical now, and has some sort of complex that Tom loathes. Somehow Tord thinks he's better than everyone now, and Tom knows he can't deal with a shit Communist like this.

•The same is for Tord, he doesn't like how Tom turned out after all these years. Tord thinks that it's just sad. And thus he never bothered to even try and get along with Tom, to find out that Tom is still the good friend he once was in highschool. Oh well!

I should make this a seperate book, like any normal author would do 😤😔

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