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My name is Y/n L/n.
I am a 15 year old female in my first year of highschool. I live in Gravesfield, Connecticut.
I am a (zodiac sign), My birthday is (birth date)
My best friend is Luz Noceda. We have known each other since we were toddlers. Her and I go to the Boiling Isles together.

My sexuality is (sexual orientation)

I can hold my breath for as long as I want to
I have a high pain tolerance
I cant die
I have a polaroid camera with infinite film
My cell phone doesn't die, it doesn't need wifi.
I have Spotify premium.
My suitcase is filled with my clothes from my CR closet.
I have basic essentials with me, like deodorant and a toothbrush

My CR is paused when I'm in my DR
My safeword is (safeword)
I remember everything that's happened in my DR when I'm in my CR

My eyes will open when I'm in my DR

Ill know I'm in my DR when I smell old books
I can understand the palisman.

[A/n: I know this is pretty barren, and some of the points written down seem to be useless, but I promise they will come to use later in the story! as for the rest of the script, I didn't want to add too much because I wanted you to be able to personify it, make it your own so you feel more immersed in the story. I hope you enjoy!]

[Word Count: 235]

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