Chap 10: Roomates (1)

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[ Copper/Agate ]

1. Morning

- 5:30 -

Copper: (*yawn*) Hey Agate, wake up. It's our turn to cook today.

Agate: Mmmhh.....I'm tired. Let me sleep for a bit.

Copper: So you were up all night reading those romance novel again, huh?

Agate: (*bolted up*) Wh- NO! I mean- Why would I read those cheesy stupid story?

Copper: You took 10 different romance novel from the library last week. And yes, I know that because I was standing on the opposite side of the shelf listening to you squealing about those juicy-

Agate: (*threw her pillow at his face*) STOP! IT'S EMBARRASSING!

Copper: Then hurry downstairs, we still have some training to do.

Agate: Ughh... I hate you.

Copper: Pfft. Love you too little sis.

Agate: Again... Stop calling me little. I'm just a few minutes younger than you!

2. Training

Copper: Keep your stance, and relax your body.... If you tense up like that, your movement will be slower, and your aim will fluctuate. No, try to be more subtle. Then lunge for the attack.... Again. You have to hide your violent intention or the opponent might just notice it. Try to sneak behind them to deliver the finishing blow....Now, in case your weapon got taken away, prepare a few secret weapons beforehand. That way you can easily use it to escape or end the enemy.

Agate: I knew you were a commander and all, but were you an assassin or something?

Copper: I'm not an assassin. What makes you think so?

Agate: talked like someone who have assassinated before, specifically the techniques you just taught me. You weren't always this...violent.

Copper: ......Who said I wasn't? (*smiled brightly*) You wouldn't want to know how brutal I can become. 

Agate: .......I'm even more afraid of you now that I knew this.

Copper: That's good to hear.

3. Nightmares

Copper: (*suddenly woke up from a nightmare*) AMBER!.......huh. It's just....a dream....

Agate: Hnngh... Why are you up so early? It's 2 AM.

Copper: Nothing... just a nightmare. Don't worry about it and go back to sleep.

Agate: (*climbed down his bed with her pillow*) Here, let me help you a bit.

Copper: What are you doing? Don't tell me you're sleeping with me.

Agate: We used to cuddle when one of us had a nightmare.

Copper: Well, technically we were children back then. I'm- no, WE'RE adult now. You shouldn't do this.

Agate: So you don't even give me a chance to make up for the time that we lost, huh? This is the least I can do for you.

Copper: ......Fine. Do whatever you want.

Agate: .....I'm glad our relationship is normal again. (*hugged him*)

Copper: ... Yeah, me too. Good night, Agate.

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