Bonus: Actor! AU (1)

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[ August 2021] 

[ 3rd Person POV ]

Ebott City has been famous for the past few years as a must-see destination for Undertale AUs fans all over the world. Stood in the middle of the city is Multiversal Studios, a massive complex with several studios inside. And one of the most well-known one is Glitchtale Studio, located near the south.

A 14 years-old girl with cherry pink eyes and middle-length auburn hair walked in the building. She is Lisbeth Lightvale, a young but talented actress, with two roles on set: "Bete Noire" and "Amber". As she navigated through the floors like her own home, she finally found what - or rather, who - she needs.

" Brother! Good morning!" She smiled and waved at her older sibling.

There, leaning on the door frame, was a teenage boy with shoulder-length chocolate-colored hair and crimson red eyes. Christopher Lightvale, Elizabeth's brother, played the role "Frisk" for the series and currently working as the Director's Assistant and Head Editor.

" Beth, just in time. Here's the upcoming episode script. Apparently, the plan is to end SS2 within this year, and releasing the Betty plush in September. After that, we will start Phantom Week on social media, in which we post a poster for the Grey Phantom character everyday along with a short story on the official website before working on SS3. Do you understand?"

"Yes. End SS2, release Betty plush, Phantom Week, then SS3. Got it."

"Good. Now you need to get ready, next shot start in 30 minutes. Have you memorized the script yet?"

"Mhmm. Mom is in the dressing room, right?"

"Yeah. Dad said he would take us and the Dreemurr children to McDonalds after the shot."

"Alright, see you later!"

[ Elizabeth's POV ]

I ran towards my locker and quickly change into a tight black suit, then headed towards the dressing room that my mom was in.

" Good morning, Mom! Morning Rafael! Morning Alphonse!" I greeted cheerfully.

" Morning, hun. How was school today?" Agatha, my mother, asked me in a sweet tone while continuously appling black foundation on the chestnut-haired teen sitting across her. She starred the prequel antagonist "Agate" and used to be a cosmetologist, so now she usually does makeup for other actors while waiting for her part in SS3.

" It was fine. We will have mid-term exam next week though, so I have to prepare. Can you tuck my hair in please? It keeps falling out." I answered, twirling a loose hair strand.

Rafael, the boy with chestnut-hair, greeted me then thanked my mom before standing up. He is the main character "Chara" in our series. His twin brother Alphonse and his parents all played as the Dreemurr family, with Alphonse being Asriel.

" Oh right, aren't you guys collaborating with other Frisk and Chara actors for a special program? How does it goes?" Alphonse bluntly asked.

" Yeah, we are doing just fine. Chris suggest recording several podcast talking about film production process, behind the scene, and things like that." Rafael replied nonchalantly. " Any suggestion, Elizabeth?" 

" Uh, why don't you guys make a fan meeting event? I'm pretty sure that gonna be a success like last year."

" Nah, we are way too tired to avoid those crazy fangirls... Such a pain. Anyway, why don't you go first?"


" Hi Dad!"

My dad, Callisto Lightvale is the vice director of this film. He's also act as Copper Lightvale - the Determination Wizard in the Glitchtale Prequel. He taught and inspired us to become actors until now, and we're really grateful to have him.

" Hello, sweetie. Are you ready for the shot?" He stroked my head and looked at me with a caring gaze.

" Yes!"


"Aaaaand......CUT!" Director Camila shouted. "Good job, everyone! We'll have a 30 minutes break." 

" Phew...So tired."

" Are you tired, Beth?" My brother came over with a water bottle. "Here, have some water. Since the next scene is HATE turning to Inverted Determination, I'll switch with you. You should get some rest."

" Thank you, big brother. You don't have to do it though..."

" I insist. Why don't you go play with Alice, she's coming over to see her uncle on set-"

" LISBETH!" Alice Rutrow, my childhood friend ran at me with joy written all over her face.

" Alice! Long time no see! How have you been?" I welcome her into a warm embrace. She has been studying abroad in order to pursue her dream to become a ballerina. Before that, she used to be on set before me, as Jessica Grey's daughter, "Alina".

" Then I'll get going. Alina, please take care of my sister for me."

" Got it! Good luck with the shot, brother Chris!"

" Uhm." And with that, he left. I quickly go in the changing room and came out with my ordinary outfit, plus a mask and a pair of glasses.

" Beth, I heard that there's a nice cafe opened near here a month ago. Let's go there!"

" Alright, but let me drop by the shopping centre real quick, okay?"

" Okay!" Alice smiled with glee. "I can't wait to tell you about my life abroad! It's really fun!"

" Me too!"


A/N: Just to clarify, Copper and Agate are not siblings here, and Rin is Agate's best friend. I wrote this before 2021, so I didn't know about Agate's sexuality back then (In this AU, she's bisexual). Enjoy the story!


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