Judge Angel x Reader (fxm)

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14519tj After quite a few hours of research here you are.


"W-Wait you have to believe me! I didn't.. I didn't kill them them! She attacked me!", I cry over the loud noises of the courtroom as I'm dragged away, "no no no no! Please don't!", I shout as two guards throw me into the cell.

I kick frantically at the bars as I tear up then seeing it was no use I shake in my drafty clothes and then just sink down on the wall. I hold my head and then just shiver.

"You have to believe me... The husband.. he was on in it too...", I whispered to myself knowing no one was listening to me.

After awhile the sunlight that poured into the cell turned into moon light and I was given a meal but then the guards quickly left. I ate the meal in silence and then after I curled up on the bed and drifted to sleep.

"Hey, wake up. I said wake up!", I wake up to a guard shaking me awake quite violently.

"Wha-?" I asked as I sat up. "Today's the day or did you forget that wife and baby killer!? Your going to go rot in prison", the burly man said, I tried to explain what really happened but he quickly shut me up and took me to the bus that was out front.

I got on and looked around, their was a couple of other inmates on the bus so I decided to go to the back of the bus and sit in an empty seat. It was quite for the most part, the breaks on the bus squeaked as we stopped sometimes and the driver and the officer would say a couple words to each other but that was about it. About a hour into the drive I looked out the window and see what looks like a woman in a white dress and has very light blond hair, she has a good on but looks like she carries a sword with her. I freeze on sight as her eyes meet mine, hers was just a black void staring into me, judging me.

I stood up and walked up front to the officer on duty and shouted, "What the hell! Do you see that! There was a girl and her eyes were black.. she had a sword!"

The officer laughed, "yeah right go sit down before I beat some sense into you."

I blinked then sighed and went back to sit down, as I got there a oldish man around in his 40s grabbed my arm, "you know.. I heard a old story about a girl like that.. legend says she has pure black eyes and she was an angel, they called her Judge Angel and she would come and judge people.. maybe she's come to judge you sonny." He laughed then let me go and I just sit down and blink, that can't be true can it? I thought to myself as we continued.

After a few more moments we get to the prison and park. The officer got up and then gets off, "ok one at a time get down and state your name.".

One at a time we did as told and I was close to last, I said my name and we were transported to the walk in where we had to give up all our clothes for prison clothes. We were given an exam and then taken to our cells. I just sigh and went to my bed and sat down as a guard patrolled the halls. We were free to explore but I just waited in my cell till dinner came around and then went to the hall for food. When I went threw the line and got my food I sat down alone at a table and started to eat. I didn't know much about prison but I know to eat fast. After a few minutes I was already done and people were sitting at the table I was at, they tried to poke fun at the newbies including me but I wouldn't grab the bait.

"Just leave me alone ok", I just grumble and the next thing I know I'm being punched in the face. "You think you can talk to me like that newbie?", A big muscular man scoffed and then glared at me, but that time a guard came over, "what's the meaning of this?". The man smirks and then gave the guard a 20, "I think this newbie should go back to his cell, don't worry I'll come pay you a visit after dinner", the man said as he winked creepily.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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