Slenderman x Reader (fxm)

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Warning: Use of tentacles in this.

I was walking threw the woods at night, the faint moonlight glistening and guiding me threw the dark forest. The cold night air blowing threw my (H/C),(H/S) hair making my face and my exposed skin grow cold. I shivered and my teeth chartered which couldn't be heard because of the howling wind through out the whole woods. Then I heard static in my ears and it was so loud I covered my ears which were now slightly bleeding from the high frequency of the static noise. I turned and turned around and around in circles trying to find the thing making the noise but saw nothing. Then out of nowhere the noise stopped and all of a sudden replace with a deep, dark, eerie voice, the deep voice said, "follow my voice child. Follow and you shall receive, run and you shall be punished." I panicked and started to run away from the voice but then a black thing comes out of somewhere in the dark and wrapped around my feet, tripping me and making me fall face forward into a lake. But as soon as I thought I was going to fall into the lake I was stopped by a big white hand on my waist and shoulder. The deep voice I once heard said, "you ran, you get punished for it. Prepare to pay the price." Then all of a sudden I blacked out and didn't know what happened next. The next time I awoke I felt my hands and feet were bonded to something I couldn't tell, but I could tell that my feet and legs were spread apart and my hands were tied together and tied above my head onto something. I knew I was laying down and whatever I was laying on was soft, so I thought it was a bed or something like that, I could also tell that all my clothes were off and I was completely naked. The next thing I knew the lights flickered on and I saw a guy with no face standing over me, I tried to scream, but had no success cause one of his hands was already over my mouth. I looked up at him and struggled with his hand to get it off of my mouth so I can scream for help but had no success. Finally his voice said, "scream all you like (Y/N) no one is going to hear you, your in my room, my mansion, my world and these walls are sound proof, so no one can hear your little voice, so shut up and take this like you should, or I'll kill you right here and right now, got it?" I nodded slowly and he said, "now I'm going to remove my hand and your not going to scream or say a word." He removed his hand and I didn't say a word like he told me to. I then felt something cold and wet on my inner thy and looked down to see this weird tentacle thing there and soon it was on my clitoris and rubbing up and down and going in and out of my area, but being careful not to break my hymen just yet. I struggled with the rope that tied me up but had no success in that either. He then put his long, white hand on my boob and his fingers playing with my nipple, getting it more hard by the second. He then stopped and got on top of me and one of his tentacles started rubbing my nipple again and one rubbing my clitoris again and his voice is in my head again, "I bet you like this, don't you (Y/N), you love it so much your already wet. If I had a mouth I would eat you out so much that you would have multiple orgasms one after the other until you pass out from so much pleasure. But I can't, so you'll just have to settle with my huge member instead. This is going to hurt. A lot. But no matter what, you orgasm when I cum or there's going to be punishment." He then thrusted his member into my area and broke my hymen, which hurt so much that I cried but he let me adjust to his size for a minute or so. Then he began to move, but it wasn't slow and easy, it was fast and hard, this went on for about five minutes until I felt something hot and wet inside my area and I knew he had cummed inside me, but I didn't have a orgasm. His voice was stern when it came out, "you didn't orgasm, I told you to orgasm when I cum! Now that you didn't do that, you have to be punished. The punishment is death." And with that everything went black again and I stopped breathing for the final time.

Creepypasta X Reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now