Ticci-Toby x Reader (fxm)

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Toby Rogers, better known as Ticci-Toby if you didn't know is super adorable, he is funny, sweet, super nice, gentil, caring and loving. And he is also my boyfriend. We've been together about a year or so and tonight he said he had something special planed. He knows I hate surprises but he told me that I would like it, so I went along with it. I was in my room getting dressed in a beautiful (F/C) strapless, knee length dress, along with that I had on shoes to match and leggings that matched also. I put on (whatever kind of make-up you'd like, or none at all) and my (H/C), (H/S), (H/L) hair was perfect. He told me he was taking me somewhere but I don't know where so I was ready if he was taking me somewhere fancy, if not I will be so embarrassed that I dressed all fancy for nothing. I heard a knock on the door and I opened it, it was Ben. "Yes?" I asked confused. Ben said, "Toby wanted me to tell you to go to the woods where he took you the first time y'all (you all) (Oh god that killed me to say that) had your first kiss and to wait for him there. He said to bring a blanket too." My face was confused but I did as he asked and went into the woods with a blanket, it was dark so I also carried a flashlight. I waited in the woods, in the meadow where the wild flowers grew and got tired so I laid the blanket out and laid down, I waited there for a while, but he didn't show. I looked at my watch and I saw it was 12:00 PM. I felt a sudden pain in my heart- Toby, my sweet, adorable boyfriend had stood me up, he wasn't coming. I walked back home, with a tear in my eye and climbed into bed after I washed my make up off and put pajamas on. I don't know why but I cried until no more tears would come out. He never stood me up, and even if he did he would text me and tell me he couldn't make it or something, after I had cried for about a hour now, and I had gotten a massive headache, I took 4 pain pills and was out like a light. The next thing I woke to was my phone vibrated and played (favorite romantic song), I knew it was Toby, I let it ring and ring. I didn't even bother to pick it up. I looked at my clock and seen it was 8:05 in the afternoon, I groaned and closed my eyes, I can't believe I slept that long but after about 15 minutes of him calling me it went dead silent. I decided to get up and I did, putting on my normal clothes I walked down stairs, I seen Masky had made dinner, I ate in silance and didn't talk to anyone. Ben looked at me and asked, "so how did it go with Toby, (Y/N)? I mean last night?" I got up and angrily pushed in my chair, I started to storm away and go to my room, I could hear Ben say, "did I say something?" Masky sighed and said, "well if you didn't notice last night cause you had your nose buried in your games and high as fuck she came home crying idiot... He stood her up.... He didn't show!" Masky was like my older brother he always stood up for me. I stormed into my room and shut the door, flopping down on the bed, I looked at my phone and it said I missed 4 calls and had received 16 text messages. And guess who they were all from. Toby. One read, 'I'm so sorry (Y/N) something came up and I had to take care of it.' And another read, 'come on baby... Please don't be mad at me...' The last one read, 'I love you so answer the phone so I can hear your beautiful voice.' I put my phone down and as soon as I did another came in. It read, 'look outside your window...' I got up and went to the window, I looked down and seen Toby with a bundle of (favorite flowers) in one hand and (favorite chocolate) in the other. I showed no emotion but I wanted to, i walked away. If he thinks flowers and chocolate is going to make up for standing me up for no reason he's got another thing coming. I crawled on my bed and under the covers, I closed my eyes but then I opened them back up. Realizing I had left my door unlocked, I quickly hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I bolted up, running to my door and trying to lock it. I failed and Toby came in my room, "(Y/N)...?" I looked away from him not saying a word, he sighed, putting the flowers and chocolate on my dresser before shutting the door. I felt his hands and arms snake around my waist, I didn't saw or do anything, I hear his voice in my ear, "come on my little cute waffle... Don't be m-mad at me...." He said, his twitch coming up and making him studder. I looked down and said in a hurt voice, trying to hold back tears, "you stood me up... You didn't even text me to tell me something came up...." I bite my lip as a tear fell, he turned me around and wipes it off, "I'm sorry... While I was out on a mission I broke my phone, the sims was fine, but I had to buy a new phone.... I'm sorry baby..." He said, not even ticking. I looked up at him and knew he was telling me the truth, I nodded and said, "it's ok..." He bent down and kissed me and I said playfully, "although... You got to make it up to me.... And chocolate and flowers are half.... But what are you going to give me to make up the other half...?" He smiled a evil smile and shut and locked the door, my heart pounded and I looked at Toby and seen he had his socks and shoes off, he had his hands on his shirt and in one Swift moment he had it off, I couldn't help but stare at his chest, I blushed a crimson red. And said, "w-what are you doing?" He twitched and suddenly said/screamed, "were gonna have sex!" I blushed and almost fainted, I had to sit down on the bed and looked up at Toby and asked, "is this how your going to make it up to me...?" He nodded and kissed me softly and his hands traveled to my waist and his fingers traced the edge of my shirt, he slowly pushed it up to my stomach, kissing my navel and working his way up, soon my shirt was off and he started on my pants, I blushed but let him. I was in my bra and panties, he took off his own pants and slung them to where the other clothes were, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me down where my head was barely on the pillow and my legs slightly hang off, I blushed and squirmed. "I bet you like that don't you...? You look hot baby..." His voice was near my ear and he kissed and sucked my neck, he found my sweet spot and I moaned slightly, he abused that spot and created a hicky. He reacted and unhooked my bra, I blushed and let him take it off, he kissed them both and I blushed, squealed slightly. "Toby... Why are you teasing me...?" I was shocked by his answer, "just to make you wet so it will go in better..." I blushed again and he played with my nipple and I got more wet, he noticed this and smirked as he ticked slightly again. I bit my lip and when he was done with that one he switched to the other, as he was doing this he forced his area on mine, the only thing stopping him is his underwear and my panties. I moaned and looked at him with pleading eyes, "I've had enough..." Toby smirked, "I just wanted to hear you beg..." I looked at him and wasn't even mad, I kissed him and he removed my panties and said, "wow (Y/N)... You really were wet for me...." I blushed and he removed his underwear, he was 6 inches hard, which was normal and was fine by me. He opened a condom and rolled it on gently, I looked away and into Toby's face, he kissed my nose and said, "y-your not a virgin are you...?" I looked away and said, "yes..." He chuckled and held my hand and said, "then this is gonna hurt a lot... I'm sorry..." I nodded and with one quick movement his area was in mine and tears stung my eyes, I said every cuss word I could think of all in one long sentence. He nibbled my ear and kissed me quickly, I nodded for him to continue, he still had my hand in his and the other was on my waist, he started to move and it hurt slightly but then turned into pure pleasure, I moaned out his name, "Toby...." He smirked, "yes m-my little waffle..." I blushed and said, "Please go faster..." "And harder...?" He asked, I nodded and he started moving faster and harder, I moaned and his lips found mind again, I grip the bed sheets with my free hand and begged him to go faster and harder, he did and I felt something build up inside of me and I shut my eyes tightly, I bit my lip and my body started to feel a tingling sensation, Toby noticed this and said, "Orgasm (Y/N).... don't hold it in.... Orgasms f-for me..." I shook my head and wanted to orgasm with him, I felt his are find my G-spot and I screamed, "TOBY! RIGHT THERE! OH GOD DONT STOP!" He pounded himself into me, I was ready to explode and then I felt his thrust began to get sloppy and he is getting close, I gripped the bed sheets harder and threw my head back, Toby's voice was right in my ear, "please (Y/N)... Don't fight it... I don't know how long till I expload... Orgasm for me..." I moaned his name and wrapped my legs around his waist, making him go deeper, I hear him scream, "(Y/N)...!" I felt him go at inhuman speed and strength, which made me orgasm more, I was painting and had my eyes closed, coming down form my high, I opened my eyes and I noticed Toby got out of me and was now beside me. I smiled as he brushed my hair out of my eyes and kisses my forehead, the he whispered to me, "get some rest... I love you and I hope that was enough to made it up to you..." I smiled and said softly, "more that enough, I love you too Toby." I felt his lips on mine and a cover being draped over me as I fall asleep

(Sorry if this is bad)

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