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... "Get the fuck off me!" you shout at the guy trying to grab you. You let out an ear-piercing scream and call the police, running away from the gang under the bridge. Instead of going to the shopping centre, you take the long way home and go back to your room. Upon entering, you see a large shadow just stood on your rug. You close the door, turn around, and almost scream at the sight of the being. "Who the hell are you?"
"I, my friend, am-" the being started. "Actually there's no point in me doing that voice. Look, I've got something to tell you."
"Um, okay."
"Because of your bravery under the bridge on your way home, I've picked you to give a power to."
What? you think.
"You're now able to swap people's bodies, including your own." the being continues.
"And why the hell would I want to do that? I'm happy with my own body."
"Oh, um, alright, I'll just give the power to someone else."
"Great. Do it. I don't care." you smile.
"Okay, see you, Simon."
"Shit. I mean Charlotte." the being fades out of existence. You stand speechless. After about a minute, you turn out of your room and grab something to eat. 
"Hey, I thought you were at the shops." your mum walks into the kitchen, causing you to immediately look.
"Yeah, but that gang was under that bridge. What's its name?" You look down at yourself as you think, clicking your fingers to help you remember. Next thing you know, you're staring at yourself from your mother's body. "What the HELL?" you cry out loud.
"What?" your body replies.
"Uh, mum, are you okay?"
Hold on. Did your own body just call you 'mum'? Did you just take over your own mother's life?

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