An Unexpected Visitor

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Trigger Warning: Please note this stories contains elements of pack takeover and mention of child neglect and child abuse. As is this is a mature fanfiction, it will contain sexual content and fight scenes. If this makes you uncomfortable, this may not be the right book for you.

Chapter One

An Unexpected Visitor


Nine months. It was never meant to be nine months. Granted, when it came to magic and portals to nowhere, there was never any given month of return but when Batman had stepped through that portal with Constantine, no one had expected them to be gone so long. A week, maybe two, but not this.

Bruce Wayne's pack had been operating without him for nine long months. They weren't holy unprepared for it, Bruce allowing them more and more free reign in the last year or so. This meant that Batman's absence went largely unnoticed by the petty criminals that slid from street to ally each night.

The smarter, better-connected villains caught on a little more quickly. Still, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake and Bruce's own alpha born son, Damian, were keeping the city's catastrophes down to a minimum.


"This wasn't your mission! All you had to do was wait on the fucking roof for my signal!"

"What does it matter? I got them which is more than I can say for you," Damian sneered as Jason pressed the clothe harder over his bleeding arm to try and stem the flow.

"You broke cover early! This should have been an easy job, but you had to go and-"

"You don't get to tell me what to do! I'm-"

"Both of you, shut up!" Dick snarled. Jason and Damian turned on him, their teeth bared. The room stank of pissed off alpha and irate beta. Thankfully, Dick was far to use to it for it to bother him.

"Jason, sit down so Alfred can check your arm. Damian, lower your voice, Tim is trying to sleep." Damian snarled angrily, showing canines but Dick strode towards him and grabbed the young teen by the neck, forcing him into a nearby chair with enough force to make the timber creak. Alfred stood patiently with his usual tray of medical supplies. Though he was there for Jason's injury, it was at Dick that the old betas concerned gaze travelled.

Dick knew he looked like shit. Partly it was lack of sleep but mostly it was from trying to keep the family pack from killing each other. This was made all the more difficult due to the fact that he was an omega. Dick didn't have the overwhelming command of an alpha voice or even the stability of a beta, but Dick was the oldest of the family and the most experienced. Damian was still underage, and Tim was another omega and both boys were still in school. That left Jason. He was a beta, but his more violent methods kept him in a continuous battle of wills with Dick.

There was never a night that seemed to go smoothly, and Dick was thoroughly sick of it. He was exhausted, mentally and physically. Black Mask had been carefully picking targets, testing the Wayne pack's skills and reach and he wasn't the only one. Dick knew that the whispers were already circulating that Batman was gone for good.

Dick still got a tight, uncomfortable feeling in his gut to think about it. There was no point in lingering on that thought. Right now, he just had to keep his family safe and stop Damian and Jason from being arrested. He could already feel a fresh headache forming.

"It's not deep Master Jason," Alfred said as he carefully cleaned the long gash in the beta's arm. Damian was sulking in his chair. He was already a handful before Bruce left. Now it felt like the young alpha was challenging Dick every other day. Damian was too young for any of his alpha traits to have fully formed but his belief that he should have more control over the family pack was loud and unsurprisingly, not shared by the others.

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