The New Law and Order

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Chapter Two

The New Law and Order

It took him a long time to come back to the world. When Dick opened his eyes, he couldn't quite recall why he felt so insanely sore. He lay there, blinking slowly, his body aching. Then the evening before came flooding back to him with all the subtly and finality of a tidal wave. He gasped, tried to sit up, yelped in pain, and collapsed back onto his bed.

Someone, most likely Alfred had wrapped and bandaged his shoulder. He had been stripped of everything but his leggings. He didn't need to look down and see the mottling of dark bruises to know that his ribs were in bad shape. Carefully, he traced his fingers along the left-hand side of his chest, pressing delicately and feeling for the hot flares of pain. He counted four. Not broken but definitely cracked. His arm was also very stiff.

He had lost to Slade.

His stomach twisted at the horror of it. Everything Bruce had built, everything Bruce had trusted Dick to protect, and Dick had let Slade take over. What if the mercenary changed his mind and decided Damian wasn't worth the hassle? What would the alpha do now that he had them? And what about Alfred?

Dick's stomach clenched at the idea that Slade might send Alfred away or worse... the old beta knew secrets about this manor that even Dick didn't know. Slade may decide he would be too dangerous to be allowed to leave the manor house a free man. Just as Dick struggled to sit up, intending on finding out how everyone was for himself, the door slid open.

"Master Dick, you are in no condition to be going anywhere," Alfred admonished as he entered carrying a tray. Never had Dick been so relieved to see the old beta.

"Alfred, you're still here," Dick gasped.

"Master Slade has decided to continue my employment for the upkeep of Wayne Manor and its inhabitancy," Alfred said primly, but his austere expression softened as he met Dick worried and miserable gaze.

"You did the best you could Master Dick," he added softly.

Dick made a small choking noise, cleared his throat, and tried again. "I gave him the Manor. I gave him us," Dick rasped, eyes burning.

Alfred shook his head. "You did no such thing. You fought him despite the odds. It is not so bad. The others are doing fine. Master Jason and Master Tim are recovering much the same as you."

Dick nodded slowly. "And Damien?"

"The young master is confirmed to his rooms so far. He is brooding but mostly unharmed unless you count his pride," Alfred explained softly. Dick let out a slow exhale of relief. Everyone was alive. Alfred placed the tray down. He passed Dick a large glass of water and a couple of painkillers. Dick took them without complaint, draining the glass in a few large painful swallows. He stared down at the sandwich Alfred had prepared for him.

"What time is it?" Dick asked, noticing for the first time that he had no idea.

"Exactly on eleven in the morning." Dick winced. He'd been unconscious for more than ten hours.

"Please eat Sir. Master Slade has arranged a meeting for noon for you all to attend." The butler placed the plate in Dick's lap. Dick rubbed at his face. Arranged a meeting was a nice way of saying that the pack would be there or there would be more violence. He nodded wearily and picked up his sandwich.

"Thanks Alfred. I'll be there."

The silence in the room was an uncomfortable one. Jason was folded in his seat, his arm in a sling and his eyes fierce. Dick's ribs ached with every breath he took. Tim was the most unhurt, the omega seated nervously next to Alfred. Dick couldn't remember a time when the butler's face looked so grave. Damien made a small and furious bundle in his own chair. He was pointedly ignoring everyone.

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