A Night to Remember

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Chapter Nineteen

A Night to Remember

"I don't like it," Jason growled.

Dick sighed. "It's one night Jay. One night of walking around in a suit, drinking Champaign, getting stared at by old ladies and being spoken about like I'm an object."

"Why can't Slade go by himself?" Jason asked waspishly.

"Because we are supposed to be proving that we are a unified, powerful pack. We can't do that if it looks like he's hiding us."

Jason snarled. "What's Ra's going to do about it? Openly attack Slade's reputation? He's still fucking Deathstroke." Dick smiled.

Six months ago, Dick might have announced he was going somewhere dangerous, and Jason's only response would have something along the lines of "do whatever the fuck you want, I don't care. Try not to die and leave more work for the rest of us." Now they had formed a real pack. They were bonded together body and soul and whist Jason was good at hiding behind his attitude and ammunition, Dick could sense the worry and fear in the beta.

"I'll be fine. Slade will be with me and if this event is for the stupidity privileged then I'm sure Bruce Wayne will be there too," Dick soothed. Jason's jaw worked as though he were chewing on a piece of gristle.

"I still don't like it." Dick didn't like it much himself, but surely, they couldn't do anything to attack them? There would be people there from old families, new investors, innocent people with fat wallets and no involvement in the Gotham criminal underground. What he didn't like was what he was sure the invitation represented. It was a chance for Ra's and any other exclusive to see their new bond for themselves, to see how strong it was, how genuine it was and if it could be used against those it bound...

"Just think, at least you don't have to sit through a suit fitting," Dick said in an attempt of humor. Jason expression grew even more sour.

"Fuck that shit," Jason growled. Dick could only imagine the fights the beta and Bruce would have had during Jason's youth under the Wayne roof. Jason really was all rough edges and hard surfaces. At least for most people. Dick leant into the other man with a purr, nosing along Jason's jawline. The beta was collecting stubble. He had been going on stakeouts almost every night in the last week and hadn't been home for more than a shower and a few hours' sleep. The result had been worth it for the bust that resulted in the ridiculous amount of drugs Jason had prevented from entering the city. Dick was quite proud of him.

"Keep an extra eye out for us, yeah?" Dick asked. He had already guessed Jason would be unable to help himself but take to the rooftops as Red Hood to spy on the event from a distance. It actually settled some of Dick's nerves to know he would have Hood armed and ready if shit really hit the fan. As it was, Slade had already told him that they were be thoroughly weapons checked on entry. Dick reluctantly pulled away from Jason's warmth as Wintergreen politely cleared his throat.

"We must leave now if we are to make your appointment on time," the old beta reminded him.

Dick tipped his head to the man. "I suppose we should go then. See you later Jason. Go to bed. You look wrecked." Jason flipped him the bird but smiled. Dick waved and he and Wintergreen disappeared into the elevator.

"Well, at least the Champaign is good. How much do you recon a bottle of it costs?" Dick asked, his expression mildly disgusted as he stared into the delicate glass of faintly bubbling gold liquid.

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