A Very Awkward Dinner

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Chapter Sixteen

A Very Awkward Dinner

Tim wasn't sure which day it was. Hell, he wasn't even sure what time of day it was. The week had been an over saturated blur in his memory, filled with scent and sound and sensation. Bruce and Damian had hardly left his side throughout and Tim was covered in a myriad of bites and bruises. He'd been stunned the first time he had looked in the bathroom mirror. As he stared, he decided that he liked them. A lot.

Damian was an attentive and possessive alpha, much like his father. Tim had little more than whimpered only to find one of them by his side seconds later. He took some guilty pleasure in being the center of attention, the center of their world. It was a power rush that he had never experienced. He ached in the most incredible way all over his body. He was going to be distracted easily for a while. He wasn't going to be able look Damian in the face without thinking of that mouth on his throat, on his wrists... between his legs.

"You're thinking too loud," Damian rumbled lazily. Tim snorted. He tried to sit up, but his muscles wouldn't allow it. The worst of his heat was over. It was probably day four or five. Gods, he was hungry. And he needed a shower. He could finally think straight, finally remember all the insane things he'd babbled and begged for...

"That's a lovely scent," Damian purred, his voice rough with sleep. A hot tongue swept across Tim's naked thigh. Tim groaned and lay back in his nest. His neck was quite stiff, and he knew without looking that it was covered in bites. He raised a hand and gently he pressed his fingers to one, gasping as spangles of heat trickled from the wound.

"Still want more?" Damian growled, rolling onto his stomach between Tim's legs.

"Wait, don't- ah!" Long fingers brushed once through his folds before plunging into his cunt. There was a wet filthy squelch of fluids, a mix of his own slick and Damian's cum.

"Where... Bruce?" Tim whimpered, his hips rocking as Damian lazily finger fucked him.

"Getting breakfast. Let's see if I can knot you before he gets back. See if we can't stuff you full from both ends..."

"Oh gods."

The restaurant was busy despite it being a Wednesday. It was extravagantly over the top, but all the pups raised in the Wayne family were used to wearing formal for events. Jason did not look over please to be in a tux for the occasion but was pacified easily enough after Dick mentioned how good he looked. They arrived first and were shown to a small, private alcove. Slade and his pack seated themselves and where barely still before a waiter was beside them to fill water glasses and offer greetings. Jason had never been here before but could already predict that it was the sort of place that didn't even bother putting any of the prices on the menus. Dick was uneasy but disguising it well. His alpha knew from the slight pause when he spoke, the way his dark blue eyes drifted that he wasn't quite as relaxed as he appeared.

They weren't kept waiting long. Bruce, followed by Damian and Tim arrived and took their seats on the other side of the table. Dick gave a smile that Tim returned happily. Judging by how wide and genuine that smile was, Tim had gotten his wish. He must have just gone through his heat. He had lost the last of his soft pup scent. Dick found himself slightly saddened by that. It also increased the unease forming in the pit of his stomach. He nearly jumped as a large hand closed over his thigh. He hadn't realized he'd been bobbing his leg up and down until Slade stopped the movement.

"Mr. Wayne," Slade said easily. Bruce inclined his head, his own greeting temporarily interrupted as the wait staff appeared to greet them and pour their water.

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