Gold Lights

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Gold Lights

Christmas had arrived in Gotham. The snowstorms were made more festive by twinkling fairy lights and sparkly baubles in shop windows. Slade came back from one contract to find that Dick had artfully decorated the penthouse. Rather than gaudy, Dick had hung a few gold decorations here and there, giving the living space an extra sparkle. Slade snorted quietly as he watched his boys argue about how to prepare homemade eggnog. The streets had been quieter than usual since the fallout of Ra's failed abduction. With all the birds strong and back on patrol again, the crime in Gotham had seen a decline.

Slade headed for the shower, knowing that Dick would not appreciate him smelling of strange rooms and strange people. There had been a night where he had arrived in the nest and received a bite from his mate's sharp teeth that exclaimed all too loudly that his omega didn't like him smelling of outsiders. The boys paused very briefly in their banter, instinct telling them someone else was here. Slade raised a lazy hand in acknowledgement before disappearing into the bathroom. Dick watched him go with a little smile.

This Christmas was going to be difficult for Dick. It was the first one he would be having without his friends. He missed the titans, their loudness and over the top presence. Christmas at the Titans Tower had been a mess of decorations, light, obnoxious caroling and junk food. Also, he wanted to spend Christmas with Damian and Tim as well. Problem was Dick knew they could hardly sit down for a comfortable Christmas lunch or dinner with everyone.

Wintergreen, Slade and even Jason had no interest in going to Wayne Manor and Dick was not about to beg them to come. Dick was thinking of inviting Tim and Damian here for a couple of hours and reflecting with grim amusement that he felt like the mother in a divorce. Who were the pups going to spend Christmas Day with? Dick did at least make plans to meet up with Roy, Barbara, Garfield, and Victor the next day for some post-Christmas celebrations.

"You're doing it wrong," Jason squabbled, drawing Dick back to the present.

"I am not! You're adding to much!"

Freshly washed and dressed in sweatpants, Slade rejoined them, the kitchen now smelling of vanilla and nutmeg. Dick marched up to him with two mugs.

"You decide. Which one is better?" Dick demanded, shoving them into Slade's hands. The alpha raised an eyebrow. They were both frothy with a dusting of nutmeg on top. He sipped the first and got the powerful punch of bourbon. The second was a lot less fiery. He could taste rum and vanilla, the sweetness bleeding through. He ran his tongue along the roof of his mouth.

"The rum," he decided. Jason cursed. Dick laughed.

"How much bourbon did you add?" Slade asked as he looked down at the darker drink.

"Three shots," Jason grumbled. Slade's eyebrows rose.

"I told you that was too much!" Dick chortled.

"Shut up," Jason snapped. In response, Dick licked him sloppily on the cheek. Jason squawked, lunging playfully for the omega who jinxed out of the way. What followed was a short game of tag and lunge as Dick dove over couches and scrambled around the kitchen island to avoid Jason's wraith. Slade breathed in the aroma. Dick was probably too busy to notice, but Slade could already taste the difference in the omega's scent. It was odd to think it had been six months with his new pack.

"You'll be going into you second yearly heat soon," Slade purred. Dick stopped running so abruptly that Jason crashed into him. They both tumbled to the ground in a flailing of limbs and yelps. Dick's face was red as he sat up.

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