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Chapter Nine


If Dick was offended by Jason's early departure, he didn't show it. The omega seemed to be in high spirits the next morning as he spared with Tim. Twice the serious sparing had dissolved into childish wrestling, Dick playfully snapping his teeth at Tim as they rolled around on the mats.

"Boys, try to take this more seriously," Wintergreen said dryly. Alfred was fighting a smile. Dick cleared his throat and got to his feet. Tim was red in face from laughing as he stumbled back into a fighting stance. Jason was spotting Damian as the young alpha lifted weights, but his gaze kept straying from Damian's concentrated expression to Dick's beaming face. Dick didn't have the pale, skinny, almost sickly appearance from a few months ago. He was the confident, powerful, agile man that everyone associated with the first Robin.

"Hey, it's your turn," Damian said, jabbing Jason hard in the ribs.

"Ow, fine. Keep your hands to yourself brat," Jason snapped as Damian poked him again. As Damian sat up and moved over for Jason to take his place, Slade walked over to Dick. Jason watched with some discomfort as Slade wrapped a lazy hand around Dick's throat and scented the omega. Dick visibly shivered. The mercenary shoved him back towards Tim and ordered them to keep sparring. Jason laid down as Damian reset the weights on the bar. As he started in his bench press, he tried to use the burning in his muscles to ignore the uncomfortable feeling inside his stomach.


"You okay Jay?" Dick asked later that afternoon.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jason grunted. They were suiting up to get ready to leave. Tim and Damian were home now but both looked strung out. Damian attempted to look unfazed, but Tim was starting to get panda eyes. Dick had strong suspicion that the omega pup was having trouble sleeping. Jason glanced at the two both slumped over the table.

"Sometimes I'm glad I didn't have a traditional schooling," he muttered. Dick gave a snort. Before he could really answer, the doorbell rang. They all froze. Alfred could be heard at the front door as it opened. There was a stunned silence.

"Alfred?" Tim's voice was strained and oddly... hopeful?

There were the sound of footsteps and Dick's stomach turned right over as Superman and Wonderwoman followed Alfred into the room. Their presence caused an instant electric silence. Damian and Time suddenly looked much more awake; their mouths parted. It was then that Dick became aware that Slade had entered from the side corridor, his posture relaxed despite the presence of two members of the Justice League.

"So, it's true," Diana said coldly as she eyed Slade. Her eyes drifted from the mercenary to Dick and her expression morphed into something that was undeniably pity. Dick watched stiffly as Clark started forward. "Slade Wilson, you are coming with us."

"I think you will find that my claim to this pack is completely legal and my removal from it would put you in the hands of the law," Slade said smoothly.

"You forced yourself on this pack when you knew it was undefended," Diana growled. Dick bristled. Undefended?! He and the pack weren't some untrained civilians. Did she really think that little of them?

"We didn't just let him walk in and take over," Jason snapped, obviously feeling the same way Dick did. Diana shot a vaguely patronizing smile.

"It's going to be okay," she said like they were a bunch of bloody children.

"This ends now. We are removing Wayne's pack from your guardianship," Clark snarled. There was a loud thud as Nightwing slammed his fist down on the table, making Tim jump.

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