Accepting a New Reality

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Chapter Eight

Accepting a New Reality

Jason joined Dick in the nest some nights. He didn't visit as frequently as Slade did, but he was always made welcome. Jason and Dick were now spending a great deal more time together. In a way, it was natural for these two to bond. Dick and Jason were much closer in age with each other than with Tim or Damian. They had been through their own hells and fought their own demons.

Jason was starting to realize just how much of platform Dick had been placed on, always surrounding by people looking up to him and toward him for instruction. Dick was finally starting to realize just how alone Jason had been in return. He had only ever had Batman and Bruce had cast him aside, he had no one. It wasn't surprising that the beta had become disillusioned with the world.

"If you ever want company, I'm here," Dick said after one calm night on patrol. Jason felt something warm and eager circling in his gut. He had formed a grudging respect for Dick. Everything he had done; he had done himself as an omega without any supernatural powers.

"Yeah, sure thing." He hadn't mentioned the patrol he had been on with Slade, the one where he had shot a drunk man in the leg out of spite. However close he and Dick had become; he didn't think Dick would take that to well. It made him uncomfortable that Slade had the night with him, the incident dangling between them like a baited trap. The way the alpha looked at him with a sort of vicious possessive smugness. It made Jason's insides burn.

He couldn't deny Slade was something he'd never dealt with before. The man was clever and careful not show his hand. He encouraged Jason's darker side, even going so far as to set up a kind of gun range on the grounds for him to practice. Bruce didn't like guns and he certainly didn't like that Jason used them. Still, if anyone was going to help him improve his reactions and aim with his firearms, there weren't to many people better then Deathstroke the Terminator. It seemed that every week the pack got faster, stronger, and closer.

The group sat for dinner. Both elderly betas had cooked up several different meat pastry parcels with baked vegetables. Jason bit into one to find it oozing with roast beef and cheese. "These are great," Tim groaned. The pup looked tired. He was in his exam period at school and was refusing to skip patrols to have more study time. Slade glanced at the omega pup.

"Jason and Damian will take patrol tonight. Nightwing and Red Robin will provide backup. I will be out of town," the alpha said casually. The group paused, staring.

"You're leaving?" Dick said in open surprise. Slade flashed his pack omega a slight smile, like a man cradling a large bombshell.

"Only for a night. The contract won't take long." The whole room tensed. Even Alfred paused as he made to refill his water glass. Jason thought the mercenary had done this on purpose, just casually dropped this into conversation to feel for the reaction.

"Do you have to take on new contracts? You have more money now than ever," Dick said a little desperately.

"It's not just about money, pretty bird. I have a reputation. My contracts are exclusive and expensive. When I take a contract, there is a certainty that I will complete it," Slade said coolly.

"There are other ways to-" Dick was interrupted.

"It means that both my enemies and more importantly, my allies know that when I say I will do something, I will do it." Slade rose with predatory smoothness from his chair and stepped over to Dick. The omega was doing his best to look authoritative, his jaw tight and his blue-eyed glare fierce as his scent threw out 'indignation, protect, annoyance.' It was ruined a little as Slade bent down to him, Dick pressing himself back into his chair.

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