Chapter 3: Toxic

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Liana and Clark are at a rain forest foundation that Oliver is hosting

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Liana and Clark are at a rain forest foundation that Oliver is hosting. Liana looks at Clark and says, "So it turns out global warming's just another excuse to take your clothes off." Clark says, "I know what it looks like, but Oliver claims they raise a ton of money at this thing." Liana laughs and says, "Yeah, at 500 bucks a plate, I'll bet." Liana then sees Oliver walk in with his date and he drinks a glass of champagne and loses his balance. Liana says, "Looks like Ollie's party started in the limo." Clark says, "No, he'd never show up drunk." Oliver then tips over and Clark and Liana go to him. Clark goes next to Oliver and grabs him and says, "Oliver, come on. Just stand up." Oliver says, "What?" Clark says, "I know you're not drunk. Come on, let's get you to a hospital." Oliver says, "No, no hospital, please." Clark says, "Oliver, what's happened to you?" Oliver says, "Poisoned. I have 12 hours to live." Liana and Clark widen their eyes. Liana and Clark taken Oliver to the Isis Foundation and Chloe is already there waiting for them, because Liana called Chloe and told her what's happening. Clark says, "Liana, he's getting worse. If it's poison, we need to get him to a hospital." Chloe says, "Davis is on his way." Clark says, "He needs a doctor, Chloe." Liana says, "Clark, if Oliver said he wants to avoid all MDs and hospitals I'm sure he has a really good reason." Clark angrily says, " I'm not gonna stand here and watch my friend die!" Liana says, "Clark, you think this is easy for me? I know Oliver too, and you know how much he means to me. And when he says to do something it's always for a reason." Clark says, "But this time it's different, his life's at stake." Liana says, "Clark, if you were lying on that couch, I would do whatever you asked, down to the letter. I wouldn't hesitate. Now trust him." Clark says, "I'm gonna check his phone, see if I can find the number of the girl he was with tonight." Then Davis walks in and Chloe says, "Thank God. Davis. He's a lot worse than you said he was, Chloe." Liana walks up next to Chloe and says, "We think he may have been poisoned." Clark says, "Can you help him?" Davis says, "Um... His pulse is racing and he's burning up. He's stable, so I can set him up with a heart monitor. Take his blood to the lab, but, if things don't look better in one hour, I have to bring him in." Chloe says, "I know you're risking your job to do this. But you can trust me." Davis sighs and says, "Watch him. If anything changes, call. I'll get the monitor." Davis leaves and Clark says, "His date's name is Adrianna, it showed up in the calendar." Liana says, "And she didn't call after he disappeared from the event?" Clark says, "No, and she won't pick up either. I'm gonna go to the bar and see if she's still there." Chloe says, "Well, let's hope for Oliver's sake that she knows something." Clark walks away and the girls stay with Oliver. Later, Oliver's hooked up to a heart monitor. Liana's kneeled next to Oliver and brushes his hair out of his eyes. Oliver then mumbles, "Mercy." Liana softly says, "Ollie? What are you saying?" Oliver mumbles, "Mercy." Liana softly says, "Hey! Can you hear me?" Clark walks in to see Liana kneeled next to Oliver and he softly says, "Liana? How's he doin'?" Liana softly says, "Not too well." Clark places his hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Chloe says, "Guys, I think I may have found something." Liana and Clark walk over to where Chloe is and Clark says, "The hospital couldn't identify the poison." Chloe says, "That's because the profile doesn't match any public database." Liana says, "So how are we supposed to find an antidote to a poison that doesn't have a name?" Chloe says, "Name it ourselves. The cyanobacteria in Oliver's blood shares a similar molecular make up to the chloroplasts found in a flower of the Nerium genus. Here, now, there's only one species of Nerium, oleander. But that doesn't exactly narrow things down. However, the high concentration of cardiology rules out several subspecies, orienting us in the South Pacific." Liana and Clark both look at Chloe with two different expressions. Liana's impressed by Chloe's knowledge, while Clark is worried. Chloe says, "Why're you both looking at me like that?" Clark says, "You mean, like I'm at a MET U lecture? Chloe, you're the smartest person we know by a long shot. But since when can you trace a few chemicals from an obscure flower?" Chloe smiles and says, "It's no nig deal, I'm just expanding my knowledge base." Clark says, "You're getting smarter." Chloe says, "I don't have time to discuss this right now." Chloe walks over to the computer and Liana says, "What is all this, Chloe?" Chloe says, "Thanks to Lex's obsession with toxins and viruses LuthorCorp has the most comprehensive collection of organic material on the planet." The former couple watches Chloe read the screens while their moving at a fast paste. Clark walks in front of Chloe and says, "You're reading all this, aren't you?" Chloe stops the screen and says, "There it is, if LuthorCorp has this flower then they have the antidote." Clark says, "Listen, Chloe, as much as I appreciate whatever is you just did here this is all because of Brainiac, isn't?" Chloe says, "Alright, I admit it, after he attacked me my hacking skills went from analog to digital. And whether I like it or not I can read and process data at lightning-fast speed. Now, I know that right now you're making a list in your head of the possible ways this could be your fault, but please, don't." Clark says, "If this is because of Brainiac then we don't know what can happen." Chloe says, "Exactly. No one knows. So, let's not worry about it until we have to. Clark, this is my life. And for once, something good came from something horrible. I'm choosing to look at this as a gift. One that could help us save Oliver's life. Now trust me. I think it's time to call in a favor with your new boss." Later, Liana puts Ice on Oliver's chest to cool his temperature down. Liana holds Oliver's hand and then Davis walks in and he says, "Hey, um earlier I didn't catch your name." Liana softly says, "Liana and your Davis." Davis nods and says, "Yeah." Liana says, "How's he doing?" Davis looks at Liana and says, "He's dying. I'm sorry." Tears form in Liana's eyes and she says, "No. There has to be something you have to do to help him." Davis says, "The best I can do is keep him alive a few minutes longer." Liana nods and softly says, "Okay. Do it." Liana then says, "Hust hit 106. He's on fire." Davis says, "It's just like Adrianna, we need more ice and towels." Liana says, "In the back." Liana softly says, "Come on, Ollie. Hold on. Come on." Then Oliver starts spazzing out and Liana says, "He can't take much more of this." Oliver's starting to flatline and Davis comes to kneel next to Oliver and does CPR on Oliver. Davis says, "Liana, I need you to breathe for me." Liana lifts Oliver's neck back and pinches the nose to breathe into Oliver's mouth. Liana says, "Come on, Ollie, stay with me." Clark then walks in, and Liana looks at him and says, "Clark, he's dying." Clark hands Davis a syringe and says, "Use it." Davis grabs it and puts it in Oliver's chest. Then Oliver starts waking up and everyone sighs in relief. Oliver says, "Mercy. You have to go find Mercy." Clark says, "What?" Oliver says, "Tess Mercer, Clark please. Whoever did this to me, they're gonna go after her next." Clark says, "You know Tess?" Clark says, "There's no time, Clark." Clark says, "She's working late. She's at the Daily Planet." Clark then walks out the room. 

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