Chapter 22: Doomsday

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Liana walks into the Daily Planet and she walks up to Clark, and she says, "Hey

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Liana walks into the Daily Planet and she walks up to Clark, and she says, "Hey." Clark looks up at Liana and he says, "Hey. How are you doing?" Liana says, "Not so good. I can't sleep knowing Chloe's out there with Davis and we have no idea how to find her." Clark says, "I'm working on a way to find Chloe." Liana nods and Clark says, "Could you do me favor?" Liana says, "Yeah, sure." Clark hands Liana a piece of paper and he says, "I need you to publish this letter for me." Liana reads the letter, and she frowns. Clark continues to say, "Can I count on you to publish that letter if anything happens to me?" Liana looks up at Clark and says, "Why are you saying goodbye?" Clark says, "Sometimes, we can't outrun our destiny." Liana says, "Please tell me you're not going on a suicide mission." Clark says, "I'm the only one who can stop Doomsday. I have to do this." Liana sighs and slowly nods and softly says, "Okay." Clark walks up to Liana and leans down and kisses her head and he walks away. Liana feels the tears in her eyes, and she wipes them away.

 Liana feels the tears in her eyes, and she wipes them away

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The next day, Liana's at the Daily Planet and she sneaks into Tess's office, and she hears someone walk the halls and she hides underneath Tess's desk

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The next day, Liana's at the Daily Planet and she sneaks into Tess's office, and she hears someone walk the halls and she hides underneath Tess's desk. Liana holds her breath when she hears footsteps walk into the room and goes sit at the desk. Liana hears Jimmy's voice, and he accidently steps on her hand, when he sits down at the desk and she says, "Ow!" Jimmy says, "Ahh!" Liana gets out from under the desk, and she looks at Jimmy and says, "Jimmy, you stepped on my hand!" Jimmy says, "Next time, don't leave your hand on the floor under a desk in an office you're not supposed to be in." Liana dusts herself off and says, "I'm sorry, coming from the guy who also isn't supposed to be in this office also. Who were you talking to?" Jimmy says, "No one. Liana... what are you doing here?" Liana says, "I'm looking for Chloe and Davis. The head of Tess's security has been staked out at the Talon apartment. Creepy, but telling. The only problem is her 8-gig mini brain is encrypted." Jimmy smiles and says, "Not anymore." Liana watches Jimmy places a flash drive into the computer and he says, "Tess is definitely tracking Chloe and Davis. Most of this is from a couple of days ago but if I can just get in... Bingo. Looks like Chloe and Davis are on the outskirts of Edge City, and so am I. Don't take your eyes off of them. Let me know if they move." Jimmy walks out the room and Liana sits at the desk and watches the computer. Liana clicks on a video and sees a man tied up getting punched. Tess points a gun at the man, and he says, "Tess, Lex already tried to break down the technology of that Orb." Tess says, "Lex knew that Orb wasn't from this Earth. It called to me. There's life inside it that can't be released until the Traveler kills the beast." The man says, "What you're unleashing... it could be the end of the world." Liana says, "Oh, my God." Later, Liana leaves the office to tell Clark and when she walks out the elevator and walks down the hall, she hears a voice say, "Find what you we're looking for?" Liana sighs because she realizes Tess knew she was in her office and Liana faces Tess and says, "Not that it's any of your concern." Tess notices the slight bitterness in Liana's tone and says, "You know, I expect from my reporters a little better reconnaissance but then again, the bar's always been a little bit high for you, hasn't it?" Liana says, "Look, I know family loyalty means nothing to you, but I would do anything to find Chloe. And if that means you have to fire me... then go ahead." Tess says, "You're my best reporter, why would I want to fire you, but this actually has very little to do with Chloe. You saw it, didn't you?" Liana says, "I saw you torturing a man." Tess says, "He deserved it. Now, where is the Orb?" Liana says, "You mean the Orb you were talking about when you were torturing that man. Never seen it and even if I did, I won't give it to you." As Liana goes to walk away, Tess grabs her and slams her into a desk. Liana grunts and says, "What are you doing?" Tess says, "I didn't want this." Liana says, "No. You just want to take over the world with some alien nation." Tess says, "I am trying to save the world." Liana says, "You sound like Lex." Tess doesn't like that and grabs Liana's arm and twists it, Liana throws a punch at Tess, and she ducks. Tess pushes Liana throws Liana onto a desk and wrestles her. Liana throws a punch at Tess and Tess slams her elbow in Liana's back. Tess then pulls Liana into a choke hold and Liana twists her way out of it, but Tess wraps her legs around Liana's head and slams her against the ground. Liana grabs a stapler and smashes it against Tess's face knocking her out. Liana hears a cling, and she looks down to see the Legion ring and she grabs it wondering why it's here at the Daily Planet and not with Clark. The ring glows pink and Liana disappears. 

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