Chapter 20: Beast

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Note: Liana's not in this chapter.

As Chloe's getting ready for bed, her phone rings and it's Davis. Chloe says, "Davis, is everything okay?" Davis says, "I'm sorry if I woke you, I... I had another one." Chloe says, "It's just a dream. You know you're safe with me." Davis says, "Could you come down, anyway? I need to see you." Chloe says, "Of course. I'll be down right away." Chloe hangs up and puts on her rope and walks downstairs and opens the basement door and looks down to see a rose petal and more down the stairs. Chloe follows the rose petals and sees the basement filled with candles and Davis in the middle of it. Chloe softly smiles and says, "You know, this isn't exactly the typical response to a bad dream. Most people just get a night light." Davis smiles and says, "I wanted to surprise you." Chloe smiles and says, "It's beautiful. But I don't remember ever seeing a box of candles down here... or flowers." Davis says, "Uh, there weren't any?" Chloe walks down all the stairs and walks over to Davis and says, "Davis... we talked about this. You can't leave the basement." Davis says, "I was careful. I know how much you're risking by helping me. I only wanted to thank you." Chloe says, "I don't need thanks. I need to be able to trust you." Davis says, "I won't do it again. I'm sorry." Davis hands Chloe a rose and continues to say, "Chloe... you've helped me... when no one else would." Chloe says, "Well, friends help each other, right?" Davis says, "Friends help you move. They take you to the airport. You can't think that's really all this is." Chloe says, "Okay, so maybe it was a 9.9 on the Richter scale of favors Davis, but that doesn't change our relationship." Davis says, "Chloe... we met in a flurry of smoking ash, burnt-out cars people freaking out, but for a moment felt like everything disappeared, except us. Those feelings haven't changed." Chloe softly says, "I do care about you, Davis. But--" Davis cuts Chloe off and says, "Stay. Please. Without you... the man that I want to be doesn't exist." Davis leans to kiss Chloe and she leans up and kisses Davis back. They make out against the wall and then they pull away and Chloe looks behind Davis and sees a trail of blood. Chloe softly says, "Davis, is that blood?" Davis says, "What did you think was gonna happen?" Chloe follows the trail and grabs a candle to help her see. Chloe follows the blood to a plastic curtain, and she pulls the curtain to see a dead body of Clark with a bloody S on the chest." Chloe then wakes up and says, "No!" Chloe realizes it was just a bad dream. Later, Chloe goes to make herself some coffee and she startled when her phone rings and it's Davis. Chloe ignores the call, and she hears Clark says, "You, okay? You usually make cappuccinos blindfolded." Chloe says, "Clark, hey. Uh, yeah, I just didn't get my full seven hours of sleep last night. And... judging from the look on your face you didn't come here to join me for pancakes." Clark hands Chloe a newspaper says, "Tess named Davis the serial killer. She devoted the whole front page of today's paper to the story." Chloe says, "Headlines can't hurt Davis now that he's dead." Chloe turns away and Clark says, 'That's the thing, Chloe, I'm starting to believe that... Davis is still alive." Chloe widens her eyes and says, "Come on, Clark. We both watched him die. Oliver buried the body." Clark says, "But it says in this article they found one of Bruno's Manheim's thugs in a dumpster, torn apart. The same way that Doomsday dismembered his victims." Chloe says, "That body was probably there for weeks." Clark says, "The murder happened after Davis died." Chloe rolls her eyes, walks around the counter, and says, "I love a good ghost story just as much as the next girl, but there has to be a more logical explanation than the resurrection of an alien monster. There could be a copycat killer." Clark says, "Chloe, he's come back from the dead before." Chloe says, "Not from Meteor Rock. Look, Clark, I understand why you're paranoid. Davis was sent here to kill you. I mean, that would make anyone believe there were monsters under their bed." Clark says, "It doesn't change the fact that Davis is a murderer." Chloe says, "But Clark... Davis is dead. And the only thing that's keeping him alive in your mind is fear. Let him go." Later, Chloe meets up with Dr. Emil Hamilton and she explains her situation with Davis. Emil says, "You've been caring for Davis Bloome in your basement? Who else knows about this?" Chloe says, "No one. Not even Oliver. And I came to you directly because he can't be trusted." Emil says, "Chloe, he created our organization to help with exactly this kind of problem." Chloe looks down and says, "Oliver killed Lex Luthor. And that stakes are too high to have someone involved who can't think clearly. WebMD doesn't exactly have a lot of intergalactic infections so you were the person that I could turn to for a cure." Emil says, "No, I-I'm glad that you came to me. But, uh, there's only so much I can do... with a few cells." Chloe gave Emil a bottle with Davis's DNA, and she says, "You have his DNA. What more do you need?" Emily says, "The subject in person." Chloe licks her lips and says, "That's not gonna happen." Emily nods and says, "I can run some preliminary tests on the saliva. But Chloe... are you sure this is something you want to take on alone?" Chloe says, "I'll be fine. Call me when you get the results." Chloe leaves Emil's car and turns around to bump into Davis and he says, "Who was that?" Chloe says, "Davis, you shouldn't be outside. What's going on?" Chloe helps Davis walk and he says, "Who were you talking to?" Chloe says, "Look at me. It's fine, okay. Calm down. It's just a friend. Now, you know you're not supposed to be out of the house. What's happening?" Davis sighs and says, "Nothing helps. I tried looking at photos of you. I tried holding strands of your hair. None of it works. This thing inside me, uh... it starts to claw its way out as soon as you leave. Chloe... I can't be away from you now." Later, they go back to Chloe's apartment basement, and she shows Davis the newspaper article and says, "You are now Metropolis' own cornfield killer. Now, I didn't tell you about this earlier because I didn't want to upset you, but the police are hunting for you as we speak." Davis says, "And by accepting your help, I put you directly in their cross hairs." Chloe says, "Only if someone finds you which they won't, because I won't let that happen." Davis says, "But what about when the cops find you? What then?" Chloe says, "Then we leave. We load up the car and never look back." Davis says, "You've done more for me in a few weeks than anyone's done in my entire life. But I can't ask you to run away with me." Chloe sits down next to Davis and says, "Then it's a good thing you're not the one asking." Davis stands up and crosses his arms, turns away from Chloe, and says, "You wouldn't be able to say goodbye to anyone. Not even Clark and Liana. Can you do that? Can you honestly tell me that I am the most important person in your life?" Chloe gulps and stands up and says, "Davis... I would do anything for you." Davis says, "Well, then maybe this is our chance to start over. Let's leave Smallville." Chloe nods and says, "Okay. So, this is actually happening. Um, I just need to close a few accounts and dead end some paper trails first. But we can be on the road by sundown." As Chloe goes to leave, Davis says, "Chloe." Chloe stops and looks at Davis and he continues to say, "I don't know where I'd be without you." Chloe gives him a tight-lipped smile and walks away. Later, Chloe's at the Isis Foundation looking at her computers because she's having a chat with Emil. Chloe says, "I'm down to my last card, Emil and I really don't want to play it. So please take another look at the samples. There has to be a cure." Emil says, "His nuclei are in a constant state of mutation. I tried to destroy a cell and somehow it got stronger." Chloe says, "Well, you said you wanted to see him in person. I mean, how about, I bring him down to your lab?" Emil says, "Well, frankly, I don't want him anywhere near me." Chloe says, "Lok, he's not always a monster! I mean, something is keeping him from transforming." Emil says, "Well, sometimes, dramatic changed to the body are caused by intense emotions... love, hate. Obsession." Chloe turns away from the computers and she says, "Which is way my presence stops him from morphing." Emil says, "Chloe, this creature puts us all in danger. We need to warn people." Chloe says, "You don't want to do that. You betray me, you betray Davis. And you sure as hell don't want to be on his bad side." Emil says, "Fine. But if you do have this power over him then it's all on you. You're the only cure." Emil then ends the video call and Chloe turns around to see Clark when she feels her hair blow. Clark says, "Were you just talking to someone?" Chloe lies, "Just to one of my patients." Clark says, "Have you heard from Oliver lately?" Chloe says, "Not since he asked me to hack into a stream of transmissions from Tehran and considering the fact that, uh... Farsi isn't exactly my strong suit I should probably get back to translating." Clark says, "Chloe, Davis is alive. I have proof, and I need to find him." Chloe has her back turned away from Clark and she says, "Well, I'm sure that when he resurfaces, we'll hear about it. He has a habit of crashing his way on to the 6 o'clock news." Clark says, "Well, I intend to find him and bring him to the Fortress before that happens. I get a faint signal from the console, and I found the crystal that Brainiac used to release Zod. " Chloe says, "Okay, putting aside my serious distrust of all things Brainiac how is the crystal gonna help?" Clark says, "It's gonna open up a portal to the Phantom Zone." Chloe says, "Clark, you can't send Davis there." Clark says, "Chloe, he has killed over 50 people. He put Jimmy in the hospital. There's nothing more I can do for him." Chloe says, "Oh, no. I'm talking about you. I mean, what if when you open the portal, it sucks you in?" Clark says, "You once told me that if there was no other choice that you hoped I would put the good of the world first." Chloe says, "Exactly! And losing you is not good for the world." Clark says, "It's a risk I have to take." Chloe licks her lips and says, "Okay, then maybe I can help. I've been hearing about a string of suspicious murders in Alaska. Now, I didn't pay much attention to them because they weren't trademark Doomsday--" Clark cuts Chloe off and says, "It's okay. It's a lead. I'll find him." As Clark walks away, Chloe says, "Hey, Clark. Good luck." Clark nods with a smile and speeds out the room. Later, Chloe walks into the Talon to see medics and she sees a hurt Jimmy on a gurney. Chloe says, "Oh, my God." Chloe walks up to Emil and says, "Was Davis holding Jimmy on the basement?" Emil says, "They're lucky to be alive." Chloe looks at Jimmy and says, "Jimmy, I'm so sorry." Chloe grabs his arm and Jimmy opens his eyes and looks at her. Jimmy says, "Whatever you do, Chloe... just stay away from that monster." Emil and the medics take Jimmy away and Oliver walks up to Chloe and says, "You know, Chloe, I thought about calling the police. Instead, I figured I'd give you a chance to explain yourself before I let them haul you off to prison for harboring a serial killer." Chloe says, "I shouldn't have left Davis here alone. This would never have happened if I was here. This is all my fault." Chloe turns to face Oliver and he says, "When did you become one of the bad guys, huh?" Chloe says, "For whatever reason, I calmed the beast inside him. He needed me." Oliver says, "He needed you? So, the needs of the cornfield killer outweigh the needs of the rest of the world is that it?" Chloe says, "Oliver, it's complicated." Oliver says, "No, it's complicated, yeah. That's the same thing your psychopathic boyfriend told me." Chloe says, "Look, either I keep with me or let innocent people die!" Oliver says, "Oh, come on. Chloe, if you really believed that you would have handled things a little bit differently, don't you think? Instead, what do you do? You cook him dinner. You fluff his pillow; you rock him to sleep." Chloe says, "Okay, look, I understand what it looked like from the outside but trust me, I had the whole thing under control." As Chloe walks away, Oliver angrily says, "Chloe, you didn't have anything under control! Speaking as Davis' next victim I can tell you, your plan was seriously flawed! How did you think this was gonna end, Chloe?" Chloe says, "I'll find him, okay? I'll fix this." Oliver says, "No... you won't. I think you've done enough. We'll let Clark handle it from here." As Oliver walks away, Chloe says, "Wait, Oliver. Where is Clark?" Oliver stops walking and faces Chloe and says, "Well, he took Davis. He's finally gonna finish this." Later, Chloe goes to the Fortress and has the octagonal disk and Clark says, "Chloe, what are you doing?" Chloe says, "I can't let you do this." Chloe pulls the black crystal out of the fortress and Clark says, "This is the right choice, Chloe. Trust me." Chloe says, "Trust you? Clark, the only reason why you won't kill him is because you don't want blood on your hands. I can't believe you were willing to force him into a life of hell for all of eternity. Clark... I know you better than anyone. I can't let you do this. You would never forgive yourself for giving up on him." Chloe grabs Davis and her and him disappear from the Fortress. Later, Chloe calls Clark on a burner phone and he says, "Who is this?" Chloe says, "Clark, it's Chloe. I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay." Clark says, "Chloe? Where are you?" Chloe says, "Davis and I are gone. But please don't try and find us, okay? We're fine." Clark says, "You think that you're safe, Chloe, but you aren't. You are not safe with him." Chloe says, "I'm sure everyone's fitting me for a straitjacket right now. But, Clark, I do know what I'm doing. And I knew that if I told you any sooner that you would have found a way to stop me, so... but... everything I've ever done right or wrong, I did for you." Clark says, "By running away? Admit it, Chloe. You have feelings for Davis. That's why you're protecting him." Chloe says, "Clark, I'm protecting you. I meant what I said. Condemning Davis to a life as the monster is worse than killing him." Clark says, "But what about you, Chloe? Chloe, I'm gonna spend every second looking for you. I will find a way to save you." Chloe says, "Clark, you're not here to save one person. You're here to save all of us." Clark says, "And you think sacrificing yourself will help me do that. Chloe, you're wrong. You're wrong, Chloe." Chloe says, "I must have thrown a million green rocks away and I have never really saved you. Now I can." Clark says, "Chloe, listen to me, this is your life that we're talking about. Don't do this." Chloe says, "Clark... if there's one lesson, I've learned from you... it's that choosing the greater good is never a sacrifice." Chloe hangs up and tears roll down her cheeks. Chloe sees Davis and wipes her tears away. Davis says, "Hey." Chloe says, "Hey." Davis says, "You said that, uh, road trips give you a sweet tooth, so..." Davis hands Chloe a bar of chocolate and she softly smiles and says, "Thank you." Davis says, "Oh, we better get moving. We want to hit the border by morning." Chloe nods and says, "Let's disappear." 

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