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In Pragya's Car :

Miesha (Thinking) : Why am I getting good vibes ??? Is it because of Mom's surprise or something else.

Pragya saw Miesha thinking about something. So, to broke her trance she snaps her fingers in front of her face. After that, Miesha came out of her thoughts.

Miesha : What happened Dii ??? Is there anything that you want ask ??? What do you mean by this Chhoti ??? Can't I ask anything ??? Do I need your permission to talk to you ??? Huhh...

Miesha : No Dii !!! It's nothing like that. You can ask me anything & can talk to me anytime. I am sorry, If I hurted you with my unnecessary question.

Pragya thoughts to tease her Chhoti a little bit. So, she pretended to be angry on her Chhoti. So, she turned her face to other side making an crying face. Miesha got little worried seeing her Dii crying. She also started to cry a little.

Miesha : I am sorry Dii. She said picking her both 👂. I didn't meant to hurt you Dii.

Pragya was seeing all this from the corner of her eyes. She was feeling sad for her Chhoti. She bursted out seeing her Chhoti's condition. Miesha was just looking out at her Dii with widened eyes.

Some moments ago she was crying & suddenly she is laughing. What happened to her ??? Is she okay ??? Miesha said to herself in her mind. So, she decided to ask her.

Miesha : Dii!! Are u okay??? What happened to you ??? Sometime ago, you were crying & suddenly you were laughing like a maniac.

Hearing this, Pragya was glaring her. Seeing her Dii glaring Her, she gulped down in fear & became quite.

Pragya : You knew na that I loved to tease my Chhoti. About the question you asked I am totally fine. But, you are not fine.

Miesha : What do you mean by that??? What happened to me?? I am absolutely fine. But, why did you asked that???

Pragya : Because I was kept calling your name; but, you were busy in thinking about something. Is there anything which is bothering you??? You can tell me, if you think.

Miesha : Dii, It's not like that. I was just thinking about the Mom's surprise. Do you know about the surprise. Do you know where are we going???

Pragya : Chhoti, Even I don't know anything about about the Mom's surprise. But, I think it's good one like the previous one.

Miesha : Dii, I am getting strong vibes that something good is going to happen.

Pragya : Me too. Let's hope for the best.

Saying this both sisters gave a tight hug each other. Soon, after they got busy in themselves. Miesha was busy on her phone whereas Pragya was listening to music.



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