Chapter 19

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It's had been a couple days since Chan had made such a big proposal to Felix. The blonde couldn't get the thought of living with Chan out of his head. The days that passed at his usual home, seemed unbearable for some reason.

Everyday became a challenge from that day further. He dreaded his daily check ins with his mom on whether or not he read his bible verses. He hated how she continued to dress him like a doll every morning.

The last time he went to church, his parents did their usual bragging about how great Felix was. How he was their prized son who was going to become a surgeon one day. Normally it would fly over his head, but after his conversations with Chan, it was hard to ignore.

The blonde was terrified of confronting his parents, fearful of what would happen if he did.

"M-mom..." The blonde nervously called out on their way home from church.

"Yes, honey?" She asked, eyes focused on the road.

"Can I talk to you when we get back home about something?" He asked, nervously playing with his fingers. He figured maybe opening up about how he felt would for some reason be a good idea. He would soon be proven wrong.

After they got home, his father walked inside to let them talk in the car. Felix's heart rate increased the second she locked eyes with him in the rearview mirror. He wanted to express his feelings to his mom, hoping maybe she would be accepting of his feelings.

"You wanted to talk to me about something?" She asked, causing Felix to jump.

"Y-yes." His voice was barely above a whisper. It was uncomfortably quiet in the car, Felix could hear his heart pounding in his ears.

"I-I'm 18, right?" He questioned, avoiding his mother's gaze from the mirror.

"Yes." She said, voice suddenly a lot more stern and scarier.

"I... I was thinking maybe I could start-" He let out a shaky breath, "Acting like an 18 year old?" He nervously asked, deathly afraid of the next few words that would fall from the woman's mouth.

"What do you mean?" She asked, unsure of her son's request.

"I-I mean like wearing my own type of style, eating and drinking sugary things-" He paused for a second, shaking from the anxiety that grew the more he spoke. "M-maybe get a phone?" He questioned.

"Absolutely not!" She shouted.

"B-but why?!" The blonde cried out, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks.

"You will get corrupted by those horrible devices. They will put ideas in your head." She snapped.

"W-what about eating new foods?!" He asked.

"Do you want to get diabetes, get fat, and die like your grandmother?! Absolutely not!" The older woman yelled. Felix couldn't help the uncontrollable sobs that left his lips, not used to being yelled at to this extent.

"M-mom! I'm 18 years old! You- you can't..." He sucked in a huge breath, wiping away tears while he spoke. "You can't treat me like a kid anymore!" He blurted out. The older woman turned around, slapping Felix hard on the cheek.

"You will not speak to me that way! It seems to me as though you may have a friend at school putting these ideas in your head. Do I have to send you to your uncle's?!" She shouted.

"N-no! Please!" He cried out loudly, hand clutching his burning cheek. Tears fell rapidly while he choked on his sobs. The thought of going to his uncle's house back in Australia terrified him. His uncle was a scary man with a history of abuse and violence. The last thing he wanted was to be sent away to a place like that.

"I-I'm so sorry! It'll never happen again!" Felix reassured, gathering his things and running to his room.

The following morning, he couldn't stop crying. He hid his face in his arms, waiting patiently for Hyunjin or Chan to get to class.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin worriedly asked the second he walked into class.

"What happened?" He asked when Felix remained quiet.

"M-me and my parents got in a fight last night." He cried out, sighing when Hyunjin rubbed gentle circles on his back.

"Do you want to talk about it?" His best friend asked, worried deeply for the blonde.

"N-not really..." He choked out, finally locking eyes with Hyunjin.

"I'm assuming it was about you going to live with Sir Emo?" The taller blonde asked, aware of the offer Chan gave Felix a few days ago.

"N-not quite... I told them that I wanted them to give me a bit more freedom and I-I got slapped for it. My mom threatened to send me away to Australia." Felix said, opening up more about his situation to Hyunjin, something he hasn't quite done before.

"Oh hell no! You aren't going back to Australia. I'll store you away in my closet if I have to!" Hyunjin said, a pout on his face. The small blonde let out a small giggle, wiping away his tears with the sleeves of his shirt.

"You should take Chan up on his offer, Lixxie. Even though I still think he's a kind of dick, I'm pretty sure it's better than getting slapped by your parents." Hyunjin shrugged.

"Speak of the devil." Hyunjin whispered, shoving Felix lightly with his elbow. Felix quickly turned his attention to the brunette who offered him a small wave, something that he had been doing ever since the day he asked Felix to move in. Felix couldn't help but blush and giggle, waving back while he watched Chan sit down at his desk.

"Be right back." Felix quickly said to Hyunjin. He scurried his way to Chan's desk, growing nervous when the brunette locked eyes with him. He couldn't help but notice how Chan looked him up and down like usual, nibbling softly at his lips while he did so. Felix's whole body shivered in response, cheeks heating up naturally.

"I-I accept your offer! I want to move in with you today!" He blurted out, cheeks burning furiously. Chan couldn't help the small smirk that decorated his features. "Your wish is my command." The brunette said, smirk growing even bigger.

Felix was nervous, but also excited. This could mean so much for him!

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