5. Practical Revenge

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Yoongi yawned largely as he pushed his front paws forward and arched his back, his black tail swishing slightly back and forth. He liked roaming the castle as a cat, especially considering no one, outside of his close friends and the proper officials, knew he was an Animagus. He learned and saw things most of the people in the castle would be ashamed of being caught doing.

Now he was on a mission, which may or may not involve leaving a trail of dead mice on a certain annoying Professor's desk. Yoongi wasn't usually vengeful as there weren't many people willing to incur his wrath. So when he did decide to go out of his way to piss someone off, he liked to do so in the most memorable fashion possible. He did consider briefly if he should just shit in the Professor's chair but that leaned more into the realm of gross rather than revenge.

Yoongi bounced forward, feeling free of expectation and responsibilities as he played with a shadow darting around the wall. He was aware that being an Animagus didn't truly turn his brain into that of a cat, but he still enjoyed acting like one. It helped sell the illusion. Besides, when his form revealed itself to be a cat rather than a rock, Jin said it fit him 'purfectly'. Even kitty Yoongi rolled his eyes at that terrible joke.

The halls were nearly empty as everyone either rushed off to dinner or back to their dorm rooms to focus on school work. Yoongi liked to roam during this time the best as there wasn't a lot he had to do and so no one would go looking for him and be unable to find him.

He was still bristling from Professor Finnegan's refusal to see reason and his own recent run in with Shaw in Hogsmeade. Nothing seemed to change between them so he still wasn't sure what she meant when she proclaimed she won't hold back anymore. To him, the issue resolved itself. She wasn't going to be lurking around random corners or waiting alone in the dueling clubs room to catch him off guard with her insincere apologies. For the first time in a while he felt like he could relax.

He turned down the hall toward the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower and stopped short, planting his kitty butt against the cold stones. He knew Ember Brave kept getting his hands on contraband confiscated by teachers and prefects from other students, but he hadn't been aware how. Now he watched with his head tipped to the side, one white ear pointed toward the ceiling as Ember and his other Slytherin cohorts broke into McGonagall's office.

Yoongi sat patiently for a moment as he continued to watch while Trevor, a sixth year from his house and a Beater on the Quidditch team, stood guard while Ember slipped into the presumably empty office. Yoongi smirked, showing his pointed kitty teeth from down the hall but the other Slytherin didn't even think to pay any attention to him. This was just another secret Yoongi would stow away for later use. If nothing else he would have McGonagall put the arrogant Ember in his place before he left Hogwarts for good.

Yoongi never had a problem with McGonagall keeping her office exactly where it was instead of taking over the Headmaster's office when Dumbledore died. It seemed fitting that the space remain untouched as even a decade later, it still felt like it belonged to him. The only bad thing he could guess, as he passed by the watching sixth year with his tail high in the air, was that it was easier to break into. He'd never been to the old Headmaster's office but rumors persisted about requiring a password just to make to the door appear.

He continued to trot forward, knowing he was mere steps away from his destination. He didn't even have the dead mice yet but that would be easy enough to rectify once he found out how to get into the Professor's office. He smirked to himself because he wasn't much better than the others. Except he wasn't stealing anything, he was giving something.

His paws slowed on the stone floor as he heard the sound of voices in front of him. It wasn't unusual for students to be in the halls at this time in the evening but the amount of students and the heated way their voices carried through the halls gave him pause. So he was only mildly surprised when he turned the corner and found a small group of students gathered together.

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