28. Cassandra's 'Friends'

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Yoongi smiled to himself as Jimin and Jeongguk burst into the Great Hall, their smiles stretching from ear to ear as they practically bounced toward him. The Spring holiday would end on the following Monday so it was a little strange to see his two younger friends back to soon but he only smiled at them as they took the seats surrounding his.

"Hello hyung!" Jimin said with his characteristic angelic smile firmly in place.

Yoongi shrugged and slowly brought another piece of food to his mouth. "You're back early." He remarked, his gaze sweeping across the Great Hall as he found himself searching for Cassandra again. It had been a few days since she left the Hospital wing but she was purposely making herself scarce.

He tried not to let it irritate him, but the longer she stayed gone, the more his concern turned to worry. Madame Pomfrey had lectured him for nearly two days while Cassandra slept that the girl needed to take better care of herself. Now she was skipping even more meals than normal and he didn't like it one bit.

He was going to remain true to his word and not bother her with a confession every minute until she accepted him, but he wasn't going to let her wither away either. He bit his lip to keep from sighing and turned his full attention to his friends. Jimin and Jeongguk never missed an opportunity to be with their families, so he did find it a little strange that they returned early.

Jimin was looking around as well, his eyes darkening with frustration as he failed to find what he was searching for. "Vyanya asked us to come back early so we could help train the new Beater."

"New Beater?" Yoongi asked, his curiosity piqued.

Jeongguk's scowl was even darker than Jimin's but he wasn't searching the surrounding tables for the source. "Anya-noona said that we needed to train someone before our last match but won't tell us why Cassandra-noona isn't going to play with us."

"I know why." Yoongi replied, his irritation almost reaching epic levels as he narrowed his gaze down the table to where the Head Boy sat confidently with his friends. When McGonagall lectured him after he attacked Cassandra, Yoongi had assumed the problem of the Head Boy in Cassandra's life would be solved. He'd forgotten that Ember banded her from playing again.

Jimin and Jeongguk were giving Yoongi strange looks but the older boy didn't elaborate further as he thought of how he should proceed. He was tempted to take his wand out and prove to everyone present why is wasn't a good idea to incur his wrath, but that wouldn't permit Cassandra the freedom of playing again.

"Do you know where your Captain is?" He asked instead, giving both younger boys a stern look. He wasn't angry with them but he was attempting to press upon them the seriousness of the situation. They nodded but said nothing as the somber looks remained on their faces. "Tell her to meet me by McGonagall's office."

Yoongi didn't wait for the boys to say they would do as he asked, he already knew they would. Instead he pushed away from the table and stalked out of the room. He was no longer interested in playing the silent observer when it came to Cassandra and the many, many problems the girl faced. So he marched toward the Defense Against the Dark Arts room and waited patiently outside of McGonagall's office.

It didn't take nearly as long as he expected for Jimin and Jeongguk to show up with both of Cassandra's friends. The boy looked perturbed but the girl seemed only mildly curious. They both stopped several feet from Yoongi and stood waiting for him to speak.

At first Yoongi had to fight the urge to yell at them for being stupid friends but he didn't think this would get him where he needed to go. So he took a calming breath and focused his attention on the girl.

"Jimin said you are training a new Beater?" He asked, attempting to start the conversation light. She scrunched up her face in frustration and confusion and nodded her head, but remained silent. "Why?" He felt irritated that he had to ask for further explanation.

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