7. Unwanted Spy

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Yoongi stretched lazily in front of the fire, pushing his paws toward the nipping flames and feeling slightly gratified in the way the heat burned. Hogwarts was a brutally cold place to live in the winters for cats, making him contemplate for a moment if he should just return to his bed and fight out the rest of the cold night there.

He was just raising to all four paws when the dorm room was invaded by Ember and his cloud of perpetual gloominess. His ugly mug was twisted into a dark frown as he flumped heavily into one of the neat, leather armchairs that sat in front of the main fireplace. Yoongi rolled his back until his ass was in the air, pointed right at Ember.

He decided that regardless of where he went, he didn't want to be in the same room as Ember. Yoongi hadn't gotten a chance to have a private conversation with the Head Boy about his use of certain insults yet. He rolled his dark kitty eyes as his mind wandered to the reason why. He and Shaw had dropped all pretenses of civility between them and in the last few days he'd gotten more detentions because of her than he had in his entire career at Hogwarts.

If the common room was no longer safe, neither was his room. Ember would tire of moping in the lonely dark because he wouldn't have an audience. Meaning it would be less than fifteen minutes before Yoongi would have to listen to his constant complaining.

Yoongi walked to the entrance to the Slytherin common room and slipped out as casually as he could. He wasn't sure anyone in his house even owned a cat and he didn't want people questioning why there was one that knew how to enter and exit their 'private' space.

Yoongi knew Hoseok was on the pitch practicing for his next match, likely with Jimin, Jeongguk and Aislinn as well. He had no desire to brave the cold as he could see the freezing rain pelting against the glass panes of a window as he passed. Namjoon would be with his girlfriend 'studying' something that had more to do with dark corners and deserted rooms than actual subjects.

Yoongi bared his teeth in a cat grin as he began to trot through the halls aimlessly. Taehyung was the only one of his friends that probably had nothing going on but Yoongi wasn't sure where to find the bubbly Hufflepuff boy. He also wasn't sure he wanted to. Tonight felt like the perfect night to stay alone with his thoughts.

So Yoongi chose to wander the darkening halls with no destination in mind. He was all caught up on his school work and it was the first night he was detention free. His feet carried him toward one of the many towers of Hogwarts castle. It was usually the best place to capture mice. He didn't usually eat them or kill them, but he liked playing with them.

He enjoyed imagining Shaw's head on their little mice bodies and relieved his frustration that way. He avoided the Astronomy tower and the paths that would lead to both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Towers. He had no interest in running into someone he knew.

Instead he found a deserted class and poked his head around the slightly ajar door. The desks were piled onto one another and pushed against the back wall and the only markings in the dust covered floor were made by feet smaller than his. Yoongi sniffed the air and showed off his kitty smile once more. He pushed his way into the room and walked as quietly as his feline grace would allow over to one of the trails.

He had just followed it to one of the walls when the door behind him burst open and a couple pushed into the room. He turned his curious gaze toward the noise and nearly yowled in frustration. Why did it have to be her? Other than avoiding Cassandra Shaw for the last year and half, he had never taken notice of her and now he couldn't escape her even when he tried. He gritted his teeth and made a quick dash to the now closed door.

"Let go of me!" Shaw howled, her voice low and furious as she pushed against the tall, dark figure that had a grip around her upper arms.

Yoongi stopped, curious despite his best effort not to be.

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