32. Forgotten

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"Button." Yoongi's greeting was cold and fierce, his tone carried nothing of his mounting frustration. He was dressed in muggle clothing, dark jeans and a white tee shirt with a hoodie that had no sleeves. Yoongi had pulled the hood over his head so he could obscure his expression in shadow.

Gregory turned at the sound of his name but said nothing cocky when his eyes found Yoongi. The older Slytherin nearly reeled back in disgust when he saw the trail of boils that covered the once handsome boys face. Gregory looked pissed and ragged, like he hadn't slept in weeks. He wasn't even surrounded by his usual group of doting girls or moronic friends.

"What do you want, Min?" He asked, his voice growing in his usual asshole bravado as he stopped walking but didn't step closer to Yoongi.

Yoongi's scowl remained hidden as he chose his words carefully. This was his last opportunity to find out what happened between Button and Cassandra, to figure out what demons he was facing because of what this asshole did to her. "We need to talk." He demanded, leaving little enough room for the other boy to deny him. "Not here."

Yoongi turned around and walked a few steps before he waited to see if Button would follow him. He wasn't above using magic to get his way if need be. Thankfully Gregory wasn't that fucking stupid and had fallen into step a few paces behind him. Yoongi resumed his stride and tried to think of a good spot that the two could have it out without running into anyone else.

Yoongi knew that Aislinn had spoken to Cassandra but Hobi's stubborn girlfriend refused to steer him in any direction and he felt that irritating helplessness again. But he knew there were two sides to this story and if Cassandra was going to avoid him until their last day together, he would have to get the other side. Even if the very idea that this idiot even laid a hand on her pissed him off to such a degree that all he wanted to do was rip Button in two.

It wasn't a long march through the castle and thankfully they didn't run into anyone who might question why the two seemed to be travelling together. Yoongi picked a deserted hallway that would give him plenty of room to murder Button if he lost his temper but also make it so he wouldn't be trapped and forced to use magic if he didn't want to.

When Yoongi turned to face him, Gregory was standing with his arms crossed over his chest and his wand at the ready in his hand. Yoongi's brow rose at that clear challenge but he chose to ignore it. For now.

"What do you want?" Gregory demanded, his tone superior and full of false confidence.

Yoongi pulled his hood back and smirked at the other boy, letting his cold indifference seep into his expression. "You have something I want." He stated as he tried to think of the best way to approach this. Button would tell him what happened, one way or the other, but Yoongi wanted to offer him the opportunity to do it the easy way first.

Gregory snorted and shook his head, looking unimpressed. "Since the situation is one sided, I don't see why that is my problem."

"I will make it your problem." Yoongi promised as he failed to keep a growl from his voice. "I know about Cassandra, that you were together." He forced the words from his lips with as little inflection as possible.

Gregory's mouth went slack as bewilderment flashed across his face. Then his smile turned evil as he scrutinized Yoongi from down the hall. "So the bitch finally admitted it, did she?"

"No," Yoongi spat, barely resisting the urge to glue Button's lips together for using such a word to describe Cassandra after everything he did to her. "Let's say I figured it out in the same way I figured out that Brave was stealing contraband from McGonagall's office." He offered a moment later with a devious smirk. Ember Brave's fall from grace was a wonderful and very public incident that left the entire school gossiping for days.

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