33. Min Unraveled

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I gulped down my fear and the growing sense of frustration that encompassed me whenever I was unfortunate enough to run into Yoongi in the halls of the castle. It didn't matter what measure's I took to avoid him, every time I left a room or turned a corner, he was right there. It was playing havoc with my heart. I only had a few more hours before I would be permitted to sleep in my four poster one more time and finally be rid of him.

It would be a bittersweet goodbye to the castle full of witches and wizards that never accepted me but where I still found so much joy. I was melancholy about this chapter of my life closing and another one opening. It didn't help that Caleb and Vyanya were too busy talking about moving in together when they left school to think about anything else. I was happy for them but I only found this out when I broached the subject of Anya and I possibly finding a place.

When I'd finally gotten myself under control enough to feel like I could face them and the rest of the school, I opened the hall door only to find Yoongi and fucking Gregory standing almost nose to nose. I wasn't close enough to hear anything they were saying and it was unnerving to see them like that while neither of them moved.

I contemplated my escape routes as I watched them. Despite my best effort not to, I found myself memorizing Yoongi one more time. Etching him into my memory to keep forever. I wanted to remember him like this. This dark, intense man who could be simultaneously goofy and aloof, caring and yet bored out of his mind, but somehow convinced he liked me.

And god he was hot as hell! With his ink black hair falling into his intense and mysterious eyes. Wearing his signature black color but with the added benefit of his bare arms, which I was surprised to see were more heavily muscled than even I dared to dream. It wasn't fair that he could look like that and still be sweet and caring and fucking perfect.

After staring at him much longer than I should have, I finally noticed his hand flick away from the two of them. Something shimmered briefly in the air before disappearing completely in the wind. I felt my brow scrunch together in concern as it happened again only a minute later. I wasn't sure what was going on but a strange sense of foreboding settled into my stomach.

I pushed the door all the way open, not attempting to hide my presence any longer as I burst into the hall. Yoongi's gaze landed on me briefly before snapping back to his task and Gregory didn't even turn his head. "Min, what are you doing?" I asked, forcing all affection or longing I'd felt for him into the back of my heart so I could make it out of this hallway alive.

He smirked, not even a trace of irritation crossing his features as it had in the last several weeks every time I called him by his last name. "Nothing, sugar." He spoke slowly again, dripping his deep voice over the words, turning them into a caress and almost making me shiver.

Another shimmer fell from his wand onto the cobblestones and still Gregory hadn't moved and Yoongi's concentration didn't break. I stepped a little closer wondering if both boys had lost their damn minds. It was the magical stillness of my fellow Gryffindor that made the unease grow.

"Yoongi, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice a little lower and the worry clear on my tone. I didn't care what he did to Gregory but I didn't want him risking his own ass to do it.

"Nothing less than what he deserves." He replied. "Besides, I'm almost finished I think."

"You think?" I asked, not liking the sound of his uncertainty. Yoongi was confident about everything. I took a deep breath as I stepped back, deciding this wasn't my problem anymore. Whatever he was doing, whatever was being said between the two of them, wasn't my problem anymore. "Never mind."

I turned on my heel and made to march off but Yoongi's hand around my arm stopped me. He wasn't gripping hard enough to keep me from moving but just the fact that he'd reached out to me rooted me to the spot. Even after going out of my way to convince myself that I hated him, I still couldn't escape his magnetism.

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