° Chapter Six °

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Monday came quicker to the creeper hybrid than a dog to a dead animal, crashing into him and knocking him down. He disliked the idea of a wardrobe change, especially anything Schlatt came up with, as that man only wanted money, so he would do nearly anything to get it, even put his security workers in tight fitting boxers with nothing else.

Quietly, when Sam arrived at the club that night, he went over to Tommy, who had been working all day, "Hey Toms, do you know if Ponk is here yet?"

"Yeah, your boyfriend is in his backstage room." The young man quipped, adding a sly wink to his smirk. Sam huffed, a light blush dusting his face, "I can't even talk to my own son anymore without getting embarrassed!" He drawled dramatically before laughing and heading off towards the backstage area.

When he reached the door to Ponk's dressing room, he knocked on the door, "Ponk? You in there?"

A muffled reply was all he got before a momentary silence and then the sound of the door being unlocked before swinging open. Ponk had a nice fitting pair of jean shorts on and no shirt, he looked a little disheveled, but otherwise normal, "Heya Sammy! Glad you got here on time!! Come in, come in!"

Ponk gently grabbed one of Sam's wrists and tugged him into the dressing room, closing the door behind him and locking it, "Sorry, I like my privacy. If you want me to unlock it I can, but I don't want Schlatt barging in here like he did that one night a few weeks ago."

Sam laughed slightly, "It's fine. It's not like you're locking me in here so you can have me all to yourself..." he paused, smirking, "Or are you?"

Ponk burst out in laughter, "Sam! Oh my- ahaha! That was- a good one!!" The shorter male took a moment to compose himself,

"A-anyways... I mainly locked the door for reasons previously stated, and then, I have your new outfit in here and thought you'd like some privacy while changing."

Sam smiled slightly, "You're too kind, Ponkie."

Ponk smiled before turning to the clothes rack and pulling out two articles of clothing and handing them to Sam. Sam examined them, a little nervous, but curious nonetheless.

Sam looked over at Ponk, about to say something, but he froze when he saw Ponk tugging his shorts down, "Wh- What are you doing?!" By this point, Sam had turned away and covered his eyes, blushing profusely.

Ponk stopped for a moment, confused, "I'm changing... what do you think? You don't need to be so gentlemanly, we're just two guys changing in the same room, nothing wrong with that, eh?"

Sam took a moment to compose himself, "B-but-"

Ponk cut him off, "It's not like I'm giving you a private show or something, pervert." The remark was lighthearted and accented by laughter.

Sam smiled, "T-true..." he then began to strip down himself, getting ready to try on his new uniform.

Once they had both finished changing, Ponk eyed Sam up and down, "Lookin' good there, Sammy."

Sam, who was in a cropped back tshirt, tight fitting black jeans that had windows to expose a little of his inner thighs, and black boots that were most likely steel toed, shivered, letting out a sound that was a mix between a whine and groan, "I don't know about this... it's a little... exposing..."

"Hey, at least you look good in it." Ponk mused, slightly gesturing to his own outfit, which was a pair of ripped jeans, a white shirt, cowboy boots, a red flannel, and a cowboy hat. It seemed as if his outfit didn't change at all.

"Well, of course you'd say that..." Sam opened his mouth to continue, but fell silent at a loss for words.

"And why is that, Sammy?" Ponk slowly made his way over to Sam, looking up at him, "do you think I'm just saying that to be nice?" He cupped Sam's face in his hands and pulled it down closer to him, "or do you think I find you attractive or something?"

At this point, the pair's faces were only inches apart, they could feel each other's breath on their faces. They stared into each other's eyes as if lost in them, as if caught in a trance. They seemed to gravitate towards each other, the distance slowly closing between them,

"Of course not." Sam said quietly before pulling away from Ponk's gentle grip. "We're only friends, how could you ever possibly see me that way?" The taller male then strode to the door, unlocking it before leaving the room.

Ponk let the silence envelope him as the room grew empty to all but him, staring at the doorway where Sam had disappeared.

Incident at the Club ☆ AweSamPonk ☆Where stories live. Discover now