° Chapter Twelve °

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The silence filling the room was overwhelming, Sam was a blushing mess, while Ponk just stared intently at Tubbo.

"Aha...ha..." Tubbo laughed awkwardly, shrinking back slightly.

"I mean... I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to the idea, but I don't think I'm really ready for a commitment like that." Ponk said simply, as if it were the most normal conversation in the world.

Tubbo laughed again, this time not as awkwardly, and then went back to finishing up the toenail paint job he was working on. Ponk gave Sam a side glance, noticing the larger male hadn't said a word.

The creeper hybrid was still a dark shade of reddish pink, his hands lightly covering his nose and mouth area, he was still shocked.

"Hey, Tubbo, could you pause a moment? I gotta try somethin'." Ponk said, smirking.

Tubbo withdrew and looked at Ponk curiously. The platinum blonde leaned up and used his hands to push himself up slightly to place a kiss on Sam's cheek, "There, you better now?" He joked, giggling.

Sam nodded slightly, rubbing his face, but still staying silent. Tubbo laughed before resuming his work.

A while later, Tommy and Tubbo were play fighting over who would get the last coke, while Sam and Ponk relaxed on the floor by the far wall. Tommy had joined them shortly after Tubbo had finished painting Ponk's nails, as it was now his assigned break time as well.

Sam was stretched out on the floor, his arms behind his head as he gazed up at the ceiling. Ponk was resting his head on Sam's chest, also gazing up towards the ceiling.

"Hey, you wanna come over to my house for a bit after work? I don't live too far from the cafe, so you could spend the night." Ponk spoke softly.

Sam hummed, "I'd love to... but maybe-"

He was cut off by Ponk, "Hang on there, Buster. I know earlier was a little awkward between us, but please don't make that an excuse to avoid me now... I... I love you, man... maybe a little more than a friend, but still... Please don't leave me because of that... If you don't share the same feelings, that's completely fine, and I understand... but please just tell me instead of avoiding me..."

Sam was a little surprised, "Wh- Why wouldn't I reciprocate those feelings for you, Ponkie? We've been borderline dating for the past... however long it's been. And I've never complained, if anything, I encouraged it. I love you too, Ponk... don't ever think otherwise..."

Sam removed one of his arms from behind his head and wrapped it around Ponk.

"Thank you..." Ponk murmured, gently resting his hand atop Sam's, which rested on the smaller's side.

"Man, didn't expect that to work out so quickly." Tubbo observed quietly from across the room, taking a sip from his glass of Coke.

"Yeah. Wait a minute- DOES THAT MEAN I'M GOING TO GET A SECOND DAD?!" Tommy whisper-yelled, nearly dropping the rest of the Coke, which was in a bottle.

"Tommy!" Tubbo hissed, covering the fiery blonde's mouth playfully, "Shuddup!"

The duo melted into playful laughter, enjoying the small hints of childhood they still had left in them after so many years.

Incident at the Club ☆ AweSamPonk ☆Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora