° Chapter Eleven °

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It was a few days after Ponk had had his PTSD attack, Sam was currently watching him perform from the side of the small stage. The hybrid held a high respect for his duties as security, so he didn't admire Ponk for long, as his gaze drifted back to the gathering crowd.

Many people were there, hooting and hollering, throwing money on stage, and drunkenly gushing over the western dressed performer. Sam was about to look at Ponk again, when someone threw a bottle at the stage. The bottle, of course, shattered beneath Ponk's feet, all across the stage. Sam had already pinpointed who had thrown the bottle, so as a fellow security officer went to usher Ponk off stage and clean up the glass, Sam went after the perpetrator.

The recent days had seemed to go by so fast that it seemed he was always at his night time job, kicking out lowlifes, scolding young adults, and beating the shit out of douchebags who thought it'd be funny to practically sexually assault someone. The hybrid had been fed up with people like this for a while now, his lengthy tail swished side to side in annoyance as he stalked towards the man in the crowd who had thrown the bottle. Once reached, the man stumbled backwards in surprise, his eyes wide with fear, "Oh- uh- h-hi Sam... I didn't uh- I didn't see you there..." Sam let out a huff, narrowing his eyes, "Tony... I thought you knew better... How many times do I have to throw you out of here before you understand that you can't do things like that?"

"Ahahaha- Sammy my boy, p-please, ya gotta understand! There 'in't much a guy can do aroun' here f-for fun! I had to find something!" Tony shot back, his stuttering blatantly showing his fearfulness of the large hybrid. Unamused, Sam gripped the back of Tony's neck and began to guide him out of the club.

"Next time I see you, it had better not be for some dumbass stunt like this again. Got it?" Sam hissed, leaning down to Tony's level. Tony just nodded quickly before turning to leave, "Don't disappoint me, Tony. The next time won't be as pain free as this time."


Sam sighed, gently knocking on the door of Ponk's dressing room, he was worn out.

"Come in."

Sam slowly entered the room, giving Ponk a small wave and smile, "Hey,"

Ponk smiled, gesturing for Sam to come to him, "Hi, Sam!"


"Gosh, the sexual tension between those two." Schlatt groaned, taking a sip from the glass before him. His companion, Quackity, snickered, "Yeah, how haven't they gotten a clue yet? Are they both that oblivious?"

"Dunno, but the tension - all kinds of it - between 'em is bugging the crap outta me." Schlatt huffed, rolling his eyes slightly.

"I'd drink to that!" Quackity laughed, raising his glass as an emphasis.

The two of them fell into a comfortable silence, Quackity slightly leaning on Schlatt's shoulder, the latter ignoring the fact. "Hey, Q, have you ever thought about getting in a relationship with someone? Like, have you ever thought about it? Like finding someone, settling down, shit like that?" Schlatt asked, the lilt to his voice revealing he was beginning to get a bit tipsy.

Being used to this type of behavior, Quackity shrugged, going along with it, "Not really, I guess? I've admired people before, but I've never felt any type of attraction or want for someone or anything involving being in love. Just not something that comes up in my life... What about you?"

"Well, I don't think about it normally either, but uh- All this talk about those two dumbasses being head over heels for one another got me thinking. Wouldn't it be nice to someday settle down with a girl, have little worries or cares other than keeping you two afloat in life?" Schlatt asked, looking Quackity dead in the eyes.

The slightly smaller male squirmed in his seat, not knowing how to answer.

"Pfft- Do ya really think about that shit!? Who the fuck would want that bullshit?!" Schlatt blurted out, laughing. "Y-Ya really buy inta' that?!" He added, nearly choking on his laughter.

Quackity was confused, but knew his boss acted like this some nights, "No? But anyways..." The two fell back into a more normal, and more comfortable conversation, Schlatt having his moments, and getting increasingly worse as he consumed more alcoholic beverages, but that couldn't really be stopped.


Ponk sighed, resting his head on Sam's shoulder, "This is dumb! Why can't we do something else?" Sam chuckled, "The kid's bored, and what else would we do? Go streak around the club?"

Sam was referring to Tubbo, who was carefully painting Ponk's toenails, since they 'looked too dull' to the energetic young man. The funniest part of the situation, is that Ponk never even takes his boots off onstage, so it was pretty much pointless, but Tubbo wanted to do it anyways, as Tommy covered the DJ booth if needed.

"Yah! Both of you should totally strip down and shake your asses on stage." Tubbo sarcastically remarked, raising an eyebrow at the two. Ponk giggled, covering his face with his hands, while Sam just chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"You two should just hook up already, you practically already act like a couple." Tubbo added, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he painted Ponk's pinky toe.

Sam froze up slightly in a confused surprise, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"I mean- uh- oops?" Tubbo mumbled, realizing he may have said too much.

The room fell completely silent.

Incident at the Club ☆ AweSamPonk ☆Where stories live. Discover now