° Chapter Seven °

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Ponk quietly watched from the entryway to the backrooms, Sam was casually flirting with a man who was surprisingly taller than him, his eyes lit up like never before. Ponk sighed, 'What even IS Sam to me...? A close friend? Crush? That one guy you just want to have a fun time with? I'm not even sure what to consider him anymore...'

The shorter male began to make his way back to the backstage area of the new stage he would be performing on. He quietly sat down, waiting for it to be time for him to go onstage. He just quietly thought things over, contemplating nearly everything and anything, but also trying to stay reasonable with himself.

Ponk was confused. Confused about so many things, yet so little things all at the same time. His brain worked like a machine, twisting, rotating, whirling, chugging, and galloping along all at different speeds all at once.

'What is Sam to me? What am I to him?'

Various thoughts stormed around Ponk's mind as he sat there, staring at nothing and everything. He was only snapped out of his thoughts when one of his co-workers notified him it was nearly time for his performance.

When Ponk walked out on stage, everything was going well, the crowd was growing and cheering loudly, lots of money flew out of hands and onto the stage, so on as so forth. But as Ponk began to lift his shirt, he felt a little lightheaded, which quickly lead to him losing consciousness and blacking out. On stage. In front of everyone.


Ponk groaned, opening his eyes and slowly looking around. He realized he was in an unfamiliar room, he was about to push himself up, when Sam was at his side in an instant,

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?!"

Sam looked extremely worried, his eyebrows were tilted downward and his eyes were filled with fear. Ponk was confused, "I think so? Why are you so worried?" Sam looked shocked, "Why am I so worried?! You collapsed on stage!! In front of everyone!!"

And that was when Ponk was told what had happened.

After Ponk had passed out, Sam was at his side in an instant, checking his vitals and then picking him up and rushing him backstage, away from prying eyes. Other security members were taking care of the crowd as Sam rushed Ponk to the small infirmary room they had.

Ponk was laid on a bed and the emergency nurse began to take a look at him after she was told what had happened. The emergency nurse wasn't needed that much at the club, but when she was, it was a big deal.

Ponk was in good hands, and Sam stayed close by.

Sam embraced Ponk gently, glad he was ok.

"The nurse said you passed out due to dehydration, that's why you have a makeshift IV."

Ponk then noticed the needle sticking out of his arm, "Great..."

"Yeah... but not great that you passed out- I was so worried about you!!"

Ponk was confused, before he had passed out, Sam had practically passive aggressively left him, "Why were you worried...? You were just upset with me... and then you were having a great time with some guy... and now you're all worried? I just- I don't get you, Sam. I don't understand you, not one bit."

Sam looked confused momentarily, but then his face relaxed, "I was never upset with you, Ponk... I just...  I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable... Sometimes when I joke, I stop myself and think, 'Does or will this make the other person uncomfortable?'. And I didn't want to accidentally lead you on or somethi-"

Sam was cut off by Ponk wrapping his arms around his torso in a tight hug. Sam returned the hug shortly, taking in a quick breath when he felt Ponk hug him as if his life depended on it and nuzzle his face into his chest. But he didn't say anything, he just let the hug happen.

Incident at the Club ☆ AweSamPonk ☆Where stories live. Discover now