° Chapter Ten °

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By the time Sam was done dealing with the drunken harasser, he was a little miffed, as he hadn't needed to use a certain, preferred, more forceful way of removing a problematic customer. The tall male huffed as he made his way back across the club slowly, making sure the other security officers were doing their jobs at their stations.

Sam inhaled sharply as he spotted Ponk, alone at a booth, surrounded by a small crowd of people. The hybrid rushed towards Ponk, towering over the crowd and making his way through it easily.

Ponk was being forced to his knees, the man before him clearly holding no innocent intent in his eyes. The small male's eyes changed from fearful to relieved as he spotted Sam.

"Heh, the decoy worked perfec-" the man before Ponk was cut off, as Sam grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him off of the ground, his normal scare tactic, "What do you think you're doing?" Sam hissed, his eyes narrowed. The man shuddered, stuttering, "I- I- I- We- W-we-" he cut off as he realized his crowd of backup had left.

"We?" Sam half growled, raising an eyebrow and bringing the man closer to his face. The man squirmed frantically, "Lemme go!! Lemme go!!!!" Sam huffed, throwing him to the ground and planting a heavy boot on the man's chest.

"If I ever catch you in this club again, and I mean ever again, I will not let you leave in one piece." The words leaving Sam's mouth were laced with such a venomous tone, that even Ponk shivered at them, shrinking back into the booth a little more. Sam let the man up, before gripping him by his hair and turning to Ponk, "Will you be fine while I deal with him? You may come with if you'd feel safer." The tone Sam spoke with now was soft and gentle, even a bit reassuring. Ponk just nodded wordlessly in response, following Sam as he escorted the man to the door.

Once at the door, Sam threw the man out forcefully, "I'd better never see you around here again. This establishment has no tolerance for actions like those. Come back again, and you're dead." The man had picked himself up quickly, running off into the dark of the evening, leaving Sam and Ponk alone at the door.

Wordlessly, Sam gently gripped Ponk's hand and lead him back to his dressing room, where he closed the door behind them and locked it.

"Are you ok? Did he- Did that man do anything more than what I saw?" Sam asked softly, bending down to Ponk's eye level. Ponk responded with nothing more than a tight hug, his breathing shaky. Sam gently returned the hug, rubbing his back softly.

Unbeknownst to most, Ponk had been in many traumatic situations involving sexual advances from strangers. The poor man was trying his best to work through it, as he loved his job, but sometimes it was just too much. Sam knew immediately after seeing what that guy did, that Ponk would not be ok and would be out of it, as that's how his PTSD attacks normally went. Sam made it his job to keep Ponk comfortable and feeling safe, as that was all he could do in the situation.

Though Ponk was the most targeted entertainer, Sam was occasionally assigned to others as well. Vinn and George were the ones he was assigned to most, outside of Ponk, who was his main assignee. Sam was always assigned to those who were of the smaller body type, those who weren't physically the strongest, and those who had mental illnesses or issues like PTSD, as he knew how to handle situations due to his psychiatric training. Plus, Sam was just intimidating as hell to anyone who didn't know him, his large stature and dark eyes normally repelled those looking to cause harm.

Ponk held onto Sam tightly, trying to ground himself and stop everything from spinning. The smaller male began to whimper softly, tears beginning to trail down his cheeks as he tried to reign it in. Sam let him cry, rubbing his back softly and whispering reassuring words.

They may stay there for hours, Sam being the support system and comfort for Ponk, who couldn't help his reactions to such things. The smaller male would normally bury his face in Sam's shoulder, trying to block out the world as he felt the larger male's heartbeat reverberate through himself, grounding him slowly. Sam was there as long as Ponk needed, knowing how awful attacks like this could be, as he used to suffer through some similar earlier in his life, which inspired him to begin his psychiatric training.

It wouldn't matter what happened, Sam would never leave Ponk to suffer alone.

Incident at the Club ☆ AweSamPonk ☆Where stories live. Discover now