Just Chillin Out, Wait is that a Portal?!

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Y/N groaned she as she had eaten the last bit of her popcorn. Right in the dead center of a Dead by Daylight round. Y/N had always been a good multitasker anyway. That's how she has been staying a float this entire time. Doing some chores which were not that many because of how small her apartment is. She blinked but the started shaking when she heard the iconic heart beating sound. The killer was near her now. 

In hot pursuit of the H/C girl's character. She couldn't die now, she was in the dead center of completing a freaking generator. But alas, she was hooked for the third and final time. You furrowed your eye brows and got up from your computer. You did just wake up thirty minutes ago and needed some adrenaline to get you going for the day.

 It's not like your chores for the day could just go away. It would be worse however for you if your apartment was bigger, oh the hassle, you couldn't be bothered to clean or take care of that house properly anyway. You looked down at the chore list as you walked into the small but cozy kitchen. The first one off the list was cleaning the dishes. Yo looked at the last one and it said, 'clean the toilets.' You shook your head and headed to the bathroom.

'It's better to get the most disgusting ones off the list so it won't be as bad for me later.'  You thought as you edged closer and closer to the bathroom. Truth be told your bathroom nor your entire apartment was dirty. In fact it is incredibly clean. Well for your lifestyle, it was clean. You blinked as you got the plunger that was in the closet and got to work.


After you had finished cleaning the entire bathroom, which was one of your chores as well. You turned your head over to a nearby clock. 8:32, It's already eight and I have two chores done. You smiled slightly at how productive you were being today, It was a good day outside to. You mentally noted that it would probably be important to go out side today to, just so you could get some fresh air. You smiled as you went to make some lunch, that was another thing that you seemed to make a habit. Waking up ridiculously early and going to bed kind of late as well. You relied on scary games to wake up. 

You never drank coffee because from somewhere in school you had heard that coffee contains some chemical that makes you jittery, and that go under the category of a 'drug.' You never smoked nor drank. Ever, you weren't able anyway, you were fifteen. Which is why some people never trusted you with anything, just because of where you lived and because of your age. You were a teenager anyway. 

'I guess that some adults just struggle with the mindset that teenagers are nothing but trouble.' You tsk'ed and looked at the calendar making sure today was Saturday. You sweat dropped but then smiled with relief because today was Sunday. You still had today before you had to experience a living hell that you probably won't need later on. You are definitely someone who wouldn't question the teacher, but you are willing to throw hands if someone you know or don't know does something that you don't like.

You are kind of like a silent but deadly type, kind of. You smiled in triumph when you had completed the last four chores on your list. You blinked in surprise when you heard a 'gurgle' type of noise. You were hungry and the wasn't any food in the pantry, you were supposed to go and get some food from the store yesterday. You shook your head at your forgetful ness and grabbed your keys to the apartment. You were going to head to a nearby restaurant with the daily income that you get from odd jobs around the small town.

Cracker Barrel, was where you were going to be more specific. It in your opinion was such a underrated restaurant that deserved more attention. Well at least in your town really. You also kept a list in your pocket for things you needed to do. You pulled it out and looked at it. You kept lists around you just for emergency because to tend to be a tad forgetful. People these days have been more jumpy now that you look at them. Like they know that something bad could happen in a flash. Not like you cared or anything.

They left you alone and you left them alone. That was how you mainly got by anyway. Once you had arrived, you looked around and sat down at an empty two seater table since there were now one seaters. You took out the list again to properly read it. You looked at one that was crossed off. The list is more like a bucket list that you need to do before you kick the bucket. Anyways, the word that you written on the small piece of paper was 'Encanto' It's a Spanish word for enchantment if you remember right. 

It was a really fantastic movie, Disney outdid themselves on that one. You did remember crying at the one part when Abuelo Pedro sacrificed himself to save his wife and kids. 'That scene was rather stupid since he could've ran away with his kin. But if he didn't then there wouldn't be any gifts to give, thus no movie.' You thought deeply. Not noticing a waiter speed walking up to your table. 

"Hello there Miss! What can I get you for today?" You almost fell out of your chair at the sudden sound of a new voice. You looked to where the voice came from, and saw a rather handsome man staring back at you. He looked into your eyes and you could barely make out some red hue on his cheeks. 'Is he blushing?!' You blushed while widening you eyes and looked away. Embarrassed for the weird moment that the two of you had just now. Reeeeaaalllly awkward. 

You blinked again as you stated your order, already weirded out from whatever that was. Five minutes go by and the same guy pulls up with your food. Starving you eat rather quickly, not before leaving a huge tip to the poor waiter who embarrassed you and himself. You honestly took pity on him.  As you walked through the doors of your apartment that was close by, only like a five minute walk. You walked to your bed, not bothering to change. 

You blinked as your eyes attempted to adjust to the new light that was around you. You squinted your eyes as you looked to the side to see blue-ish purple-ish glowing light. In the shape of a oval. Your eyes widened as you felt the need to walk into it. You shook your head and did the opposite. You back up. You gulped and stifled a scream when it pulled you towards it. Not wanting to give in so quickly, you tried to claw your way out. But your efforts were in vain as the portal sucked you in.


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