Nightmares and realization

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You were so tired of a lot of things. Mostly of what had just happened a little while ago. The dinner date with the entire family. You were dizzy and the world was spinning, from your eyes that is. 

Carlos was on the other bed, just swinging his feet below the underneath of the bed. He was sent to watch over you, while Julieta would fetch some more arepas. While also calming down Luisa. Who was also crying in her room.

You guessed because she was losing her gift. Who wouldn't be? You knew that she would have to face the towns people sooner or later. You weren't worried for her sake though. You thought she was perfect. Gift or no gift. 

You were losing yourself fast in your thoughts. What was supposed to happen after this again? Oh yeah, you would meet Bruno. Well Mirabel would. However, you remember seeing something before you entered this world. 

It looked like something a couple would sign, like a prenup. Or something. You signed it of course. But now you were regretting signing something as stupid as that. It said like something about aging down certain characters. You only read that part. 

You didn't really know what that meant. Actually scratch that, you did know. But you were just curious to see what some characters would look like aged downwards. But you weren't stupid. You had a feeling you knew what this world or universe is.

A cheap knock off of the movie. But instead of the cute wholesome characters, they are replaced by nightmare-ish yandere ones. Even before you had came to this world, you had your fair share of reading a couple of fanfictions. While playing yandere simulator. 

So you had a least a little bit of information of what was going to unfold before your eyes. The daring few who dare to come to you to be friends, or even the people who breathe in your direction, will be murdered by the Madrigal family.

Then only to be kidnapped and to never see the light of day ever again. Only when you develop Stockholm syndrome will you be allowed to go outside and touch grass. How fun. For the Madrigals that is. Just not you. 

You weren't ready to be strapped into a chair in a secluded place in one of the Madrigals room, hopelessly struggling only to never get out. The only sane one in this damn house was Carlos. Or so you thought.

He was just watching you from afar as you thought of all the ways that this situation could play out. His obsessive feelings only growing by the second. In his opinion, you looked like a sweet and cute little bunny rabbit, unknowing of the danger that lurked in the darkness of Casita. 

Meanwhile, He was the fox. The grain of rice that could tip the scale of security and safety. He was aware of the feelings he was feeling. He didn't deny them, unlike his cousin had. Camilo was having mixed feelings. But he had learned to accept them.

The two cousins had one thing in common besides being family. They couldn't stop thinking about you. They were afraid that you were catching on to their thoughts and behavior. You were. In fact that's why you were in the same room as Carlos.

You were aware that Camilo was starting to turn yandere. Or that he had always been. However, you were unaware to Carlos and what he was feeling. When you were back in your own world, you had gotten some compliments, and some insults about how well you were able to read peoples facial expressions. 

It was considered a gift, but to you it was a nightmare. Anyways, back to the situation at hand. You felt yourself drift of to sleep. But you couldn't now. You would have liked to meet Bruno. But with Carlos in the room. He would have probably stopped you from even getting up.

That was fine you guessed. You did need the extra sleep after all. You felt yourself once more drift off to sleep. This time, not shaking yourself asleep. Trusting Carlos, you shut your eyelids and your breathing slowed.Carlos watched you. He decided he would stay here for the rest of the night. 

Until Abuella had found Mirabel and finished disciplining her, then it was her problem to watch over you. It's not like he didn't like watching you, but it would have been nice to get some more sleep. But it sucks to suck. So he would just have to deal with it.

You were sweating. Panting, running as fast as you possibly could. You knew this was some sort of nightmare bestowed upon you because you thought about the terms and stuff about how it wasn't looking so good for the towns people.

By that, you knew that most of them were gonna die, and you kept as the Madrigal family's prisoner. That's what you were currently running from. The family that is. The person who was currently chasing you at the moment, was little Antonio and his jaguar. 

They were gaining on you. That being the horrible logic of nightmare in general or the fact that Antonio was riding a freaking jaguar. Jaguars can and will out run humans. Anything for food. Unlucky for you though, the jaguar had bit down onto your clothes. 

You cursed underneath your breath about how this wasn't fair nor the it was the stupid's dresses fault. Antonio got down from the said jaguar, and whistled. Signaling for the rest of the family, that he had caught you. 

You groaned in pain from how fast you were running. Also because you had gotten caught. Unlucky you. Camilo and Carlos were the ones who had appeared first, then Mirabel. Then Luisa. Then literally everyone else not including Bruno though. Isabela, (Who appeared out of nowhere due to her magical abilities or something.) 

Had cupped your cheek while blushing. She reached for something behind her back. A knife. Your eyes widened as you attempted to get up. However, the jaguar (That also has literally no name.) still had its grasp on the back of your dress. It bit down harder.

This time, he bit down onto your skin. You held back a scream as blood flowed down your back. Isabela, nor did the rest of the family noticed. Isabela glided the knife along your cheek, 'accidently' pressing down a little to hard, as more blood flowed down your cheek.

She didn't like what she had done. So you know what she did? She stabbed you. The rest of the family smirked as they heard you scream. You woke up with a jolt, and a severe pain in your cheek, back and chest. Carlos woke up too. He looked at you as you hugged yourself tightly, gasping for air. 


1150 words

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