The Disastrous Dinner Date

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You looked around yourself in awe. But also in concern. You knew what was happening, really you did. It's just that you really wanted to be in this scene. You just find it weird but amazing to be into this scene. Mirabel was staring quite intently at Dolores. You knew why of course. You knew that Dolores had been listening in to your and Mirabel's conversation. 

There wouldn't be any sort of reason why she wouldn't have been listening. She's now forever, (until the magic dies) forced to hear and listen in on other peoples conversations, if she wanted to or not. You looked down to your plate full of food, and gently grabbed your fork, and started to eat. 

Occasionally you looked up once in a while to check on how Dolores was handling Mirabel looking at her. However, Mariano shoved some avocados in Mirabel's face. Your eyes widened and you looked back to Dolores, seeing now that she was whispering into Camilo's ear. You gulped. 

He transformed into multiple people, including you! You almost choked onto your food. His face now looked like a real life Chameleon, since there faces tend to flatten out, or something. You remember learning about that from somewhere. You don't remember though.  

You guess that the portal did end up erasing some of your memory. Luisa looked at you. You noticed and snapped out of your thoughts, and sent her a reassuring smile her way. She furrowed her eyebrows in worry. You nodded with a smile. Trying to say that you were okay. 

She finally looked away, and finally you returned to eating. Almost really. You looked over slightly. Seeing Carlos looking at you. Camilo shook his head, returning back to normal. Carlos was trying to hold back a giggle. You looked back again and Mirabel was struggling to keep it together. Luisa got up from her chair to the piano.

You looked around. To be honest, you were extremely scared. You were panicking on the inside. You couldn't hear anything. You could barely see, and you smelled a burning  house, or something. You shook your head ever so slightly. Trying to snap out, whatever kind of trance you were in.

That didn't do much. Just gave you a aching head ache. No one noticed though. Which was surprising considering how much they 'love' and care about you. You fell off of your chair. That's when everyone noticed. Carlos stood up and the silverware he was using, fell to the floor.

You were starting to loose conscious. Everything was fading to black now. You were now left to your thoughts as you slowly passed out. 'Huh, is this what it feels like to be poisoned? Who would do such a thing...?' You finally started to breath slower as you feel into a deep, deep, deep slumber. 

Dolores ran to your side and held you up. Mariano and Isabela gasped. Camilo and Carlos were literally panicking on the inside. They both ran over to you. Pushing Dolores out of the way, harshly. She fell onto the floor and gasped as she saw the two cousins trying to help you out. 

She had gotten to their first, they didn't! With that, Pepa, was starting to panic when she saw a lifeless body on the floor, and Luisa crying onto the floor, also when she had figured out that Mirabel had been trying to gain more attention about Bruno, and the vision. 

The cloud that she had created, based on her emotions, was bigger than ever. It was thundering and creating an over all destructive nature. You, despite not being able to see or anything. Could hear everything around you. You had figured that you weren't poisoned. But it was something else.

That was a little bit more deadly. But other than that, you were beyond terrified. You had no idea what was going on, and were genuinely terrified. You had taken the hint and monitored the characters behavior. You noticed that they weren't acting like the normal way that they should have been. You heard some crying.

Sounded like Luisa. Then you heard a yelp. Mariano. Your breathing hitched. Camilo and Carlos didn't noticed. They were focused on the fact that you seemed to be dead. Carlos, believe or not, was the one who was panicking the most. 

Even though you both had met, only like around, one to two-ish days ago, he still cared deeply about you. Camilo did to. Maybe even a little bit more. But he did understand that you weren't dying. Not at all. All that he needed to worry about now, is that you shouldn't be taken away from him or Carlos.

Cousin bonding time. That's what Camilo wanted to think about it for right now. Mariano and his grandmother? Or mother ran out of the house, while Mariano was crying, like a baby. How embarrassing. Abuela was trying to persuade them into coming back into the house with them and finishing the dinner. 

From what you had heard, everyone left except Carlos, Camilo, and Dolores. Dolores had told Julieta to hurry to the kitchen to get some Arepa's (Sorry if I spelled that wrong.) to help you. They knew what was hurting you. Botulism. (It's a real disease that you can get if you package food wrong, it's mostly found in honey.) 

Dolores took everything seriously. So did Carlos, but Camilo didn't exactly know what the disease was, so he wasn't worrying to much. Even though he should have been worrying to an extreme. 

Julieta came back with a basket full of the delicious treats. She instantly shoved one into your mouth. Everyone was crossing their fingers. Camilo looked at the three of them in confusion. Why were they worrying so much? They did know that you were going to be healed by the arepa right?

He didn't know, nor the other three. They were staring at you intently. Hoping and praying that you would wake. After about five minutes of them staring at you, nothing happened. Everyone decided to call it a night, with you staying in the nursery for the night for some rest. 

Looks like your in for one hell of a night :]

1033 words

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