The End

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Carlos got up from the bed that he was sitting on. He walked (more like tip toed) towards you. Once he was one hundred percent sure that you had fallen asleep, the pulled something from out of his pockets. A muffin. 

Something that Julieta had given him. She also gave him the orders to feed this to you while you were asleep. So he did just that. You woke up, but then struggled against his harsh grip on your wrist.

But almost instantly fell right back to sleep, Carlos widened his eyes in surprise. He wasn't expecting it to have such an effect on you. That quickly at least. He was afraid that he had killed you. Which was really out of character for him.

He is the one that is supposed to be the angsty teen here. That didn't matter though. He put his arms underneath you. He lifted you up from the bed bridal style and walked out of the room. He was debating where he should put you.

While walking down the stairs, he spotted Abuela. He speed walked over to her. "It's done. Where should I put her?" He asked as he reached her. Abuela looked at him with a small smile. She pointed over to a newly created room by Casita.

Carlos nodded. He walked over to the new room and opened the door. He looked around expecting something great. But nothing. Just walls. He looked down this time. A staircase. Carlos tilted his head. 'A basement huh? It's still good though.' He thought and descended the staircase. 

Once he had reached the end of the staircase, he was met with a weird space. A chair that had arm and leg restraints, he walked closer to the chair. There was something carved into it. It read, 'Their Throne' 

He was confused none the less. But he didn't want to disobey his family. But in his opinion, this seemed so wrong. So wrong indeed. He sighed and put the restraints onto your arms and legs. After he was done, he got up and turned away, walked towards the staircase once more.

He paused though. He looked back at you. You were still asleep. Unaware of the danger that he had put you in. That HE put you in. Carlos blinked. He looked down, then turned away again. Feeling immense remorse for what he had done.

But decided it would be best if he had to talk to his family to see if it was right. They were older than him so therefore they might understand why this is okay, right? He opened the door. Then stepped out, turning back around and locking the door.

He looked back to be face to face with his cousin. Camilo. He had a smug look on his face. He stepped aside to reveal the entire family looking proud of him. 'So what I did was the right thing?' He thought. But Isabela wasn't there. Probably in her room. 

That made him frown. But then he began to think about his family being proud of him. That made him smile. He did want to be on the family's good side, and he wasn't going to loose it now. "You did good son." Carlos's father had said. Carlos smiled a little bit wider now. Then the family left, probably to continue the search for Mirabel. 

With Mirabel~

Mirabel was beyond pissed. She had watched the entire scene play out from a birds eye view. To see the least, she was above whatever had just happened. Bruno was with her. Mirabel needed to talk to Isabela. Which is why they were outside her door. 

Bruno was a lot younger than what Mirabel had thought. Maybe around her age. But the one thing that Mirabel knew was that, she didn't like the look that Bruno had given you when you were being carried bridal style by Carlos.

Well, she wasn't exactly pissed though. She had seen that room before, and this time she knew what the purpose of that room was for. It was for you. At least she would be able to keep you safe in the walls of Casita without you running off and giving others your attention.

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