Touchy Isabela's and 'lying' Mirabel's

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Animals. Just animals. Animals birds, insects, came flooding through Casa Madrigal. This place looks like a literal zoo! "We have a new gift!" Abuela shouted with utter happiness. Antonio and his gift appeared on his door way. Antonio turned the knob as his room went from a normal room, to a straight on jungle. With a waterfall and a tree of life in the dead center. You gasped and walked in with all the other people. Even a little kid screamed, "It's bigger on the inside?!" 

You giggled in response at how the kid looked in return. There face had an expression of astonishment and wonder. This all made you think. 'What did everyone else's rooms look like?' If they were this magical, the others had to be a real piece of art. You already knew what Abuela's room, Mirabel's room, Isabela, and now Antonio's room looked like due to you recently have watching the movie. 

You bit the inside of your cheek, getting homesick. 'I could really go for some gum right now.' You thought as you rocked on your sneakers. Nobody even questioned what you were wearing either. It was kind of weird seeing all the other girls wearing dresses, and the  you see Y/N, and she's just wearing whatever. Luisa, who had snuck up behind you, saw now anxious you looked and tapped on your shoulder.

You looked behind you to see the famous, but stressed buff woman. At least Disney was okay with making more buff girls. You noticed this with other movies, just pretty little princess every you walk. It was getting kind of repetitive now that you think about it. So was the way they animated the princesses as well. They only changed it in Raya, the last dragon. Now that was a cool movie.

It was different from all the rest of the movies too, I mean no songs that the main character sings when they're feeling sad. "There something wrong Y/N?" Luisa said. Crap, you did it again. You dozed off on a rant about how Disney was doing something different and buff women and stuff. You shook your head and looked up at Luisa. 'Damn, she's hella tall.' 

You felt slightly intimidated by how tall she was. "Heh-heh! I am perfectly fine, just tired that's all." You finished your sentence with a nervous chuckle. She furrowed her brows and said, "You know you can talk to me about anything right? I will always listen." She said as she patted your shoulder. You couldn't help but blush at how generous she was being. 

You nodded your head and turn your attention back to the now Jaguar riding Antonio. 'This kid is so cool!' You giggled and started to cheer him on. Camilo and Felix doing the same. You smiled at how supportive they were being. You flinched however when you felt a pair of arms wrapping around your waist. And then proceeding to nuzzle their face into the crook of your neck. The mysterious person giggled. Sounded like a porcelain doll. Isabela? What was she doing..?

'This is all so weird. First Mirabel  now Isabela?'  You heard a faint growling noise. Sounded like Luisa?! Great. You squirmed out of her grip and walked away in embarrassment. Trying to find another spot to not be engulfed into a hug every five seconds. It's not like you weren't enjoying the contact, you were! Just not happy when others touch you so abruptly. It made you uncomfortable, especially when it was from behind.

 But the hug felt possessive in a way. And that didn't sit right with you. You had only known her for like almost, if not two days! But what was she thinking honestly. You didn't know. You walked rather quickly to the tree to find a safe space, while being followed by everyone. Strangely, they haven't taken the family picture. 

Which was weird, because after that, Mirabel would have an insane solo about how she didn't get her gift. You enjoyed the song, but 'We Don't Talk About Bruno' just hits hard. Someone grabbed your arm and dragged you back to the dock that connected to the tree. Then was pushed between Pepa and Isabela. You looked around but didn't see Mirabel. Riiiiggghht.... How wonderful. Then everything started to slow down. You including.

Mirabel started to sing and sing about how she was 'fine'. And after a while she finished. And so did the slow-mo. You walked out of the room and to where Mirabel would find the cracks. You wanted to back up her claim just so Abuela wouldn't be so hard on her when it came to 'scolding her.' You made it just in time to see Mirabel accidentally cut herself on the tile. You run down the stairs to her aid. To see the cracks, and Mirabel's extreme,y worried face.

You didn't look phased, because you knew that the candle wouldn't go out now. We still have an hour or so of the movie. You thought at least. Mirabel took off towards Antonio's room dragging you along the way too. Once she had reached Abuela, and the rest of her family. "The house is in danger! The Candle almost went out!" She shouted and started to flail her arms around like she was a mad woman. Abuela turned her attention to you like she was almost asking, 'Is she telling the truth?'  You nodded your head. 

She sighed then said, "Show me." Everyone walked to the court yard but Mirabel stopped in her tracks when she realized that the cracks weren't there again. "But they were right here! Mirabel started to ramble on and on about how she saw the cracks. Isabela and all the other people glared at Mirabel. You noticed that Isabela was smirking. You looked down and she was holding your hand. You blushed but pulled away, while looking away. 

You gathered enough courage and said, "Señora Alma, she isn't lying, I saw them to." You said timidly. Everyone blinked. Mirabel mouthed a 'Thanks.'  Everyone rolled there eyes. Abuela then started to say, "The magic strong, and so are the drinks." Earning some giggles from the crowd in the process and everyone went back into Antonio's room.

Phew, that was a close one!

1043 words

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