Upset Luisa

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"So what are you doing here Mi Vida~?" Camilo flirted with you. You laughed it off. "Oh um, Mirabel is having a sleepover with me, yeah.. she wanted me to stay over here so Carlos we just helping me get like a change of clothes, that's all." He hummed and nodded with a calm face on. But it turned into a flirtatious one. "So who's room are you sleeping in mi amor~?" You blushed. This lie was getting out of hand.

You chuckled nervously. "Mine obviously. I'm the only one with a king sized bed." Your conversation was interrupted by a certain perfect black haired Madrigal. Isabela. You jumped at her smooth voice. She looked over to you, then walked over to you, cupped your cheek and kissed your forehead. You pushed her away softly. Careful not to hurt her. 

She looked at you in surprise, like you weren't supposed to do that. "Sorry!" You squeaked and walked past all of them. Camilo, Carlos, and now Isabela. Carlos followed you like a lost puppy, like his owner was about to head to work. Camilo squinted his eye as Carlos helped you walk up the stairs. Treating you like you were a porcelain doll that would shatter upon impact of anything.

'Carlos is acting strange, I would have thought he would treat Y/N with hatred and disgust, I could see a little disgust in his eyes. But that was towards me. Not her. When he looked at mi amor, I saw love. Something is defiantly up.' Isabela and Camilo thought in sync as they watched the two walked up the stairs, heading towards the nursery. 

You opened the door, setting everything down. You hummed a small tune. Carlos sat down onto Mirabel's bed and watched as you unpacked into the bed that used to be Antonio's. For once it was quiet. Until Carlos broke the silence by flirting with you. "I like the view." Carlos broke the silence. You blushed. Then giggled and sat down in front of him, on top of Antonio's old bed. You both talked for a while. Maybe an hour or two. 

You brought up a question that Carlos was hoping that you didn't bring up. Why you never saw him. He had been stalking you for the past two days. That's what he thinks anyways. "I don't like being around people, even my own family. They expect me to be the harsh and mean one. But I'm not. Do you think I am Y/N?" He tried to make his voice sound as guilty and hurt that it could possibly be while pouting and give you puppy dog eyes. 

 You were about to answer but stopped yourself as you heard sobbing coming from out of the room. You stood up and left the room. "Where are you going?" Carlos asked. You noticed how clingy he had been, nor has he even shape-shifted in front of you. You wanted your space and you wanted to see if everyone in the house was okay. As you had exited the room you bumped into someone. Luisa. You looked to your left to see Mirabel and Abuela looking at you in surprise. 

"Can I..?" You asked as you pointed towards the direction of where Luisa went. Abuela smiled softly and smiled. Mirabel raised an eyebrow at how Abuela's attitude changed instantly. Also how or why are you in her Casita? Why were you in her room? She wasn't upset that you are in her cottage or anything. She was glad. Maybe you are here for a surprise sleep over!

Mirabel would like to think that. But that might not be the case. "What did you do. What did you say to her?" Abuela ripped her from out of her thoughts as she asked her what she did to upset Luisa. "N-nothing.. I-I" Mirabel was interrupted by Abuela. "Mirabel." Abuela sighed. "I have to go to the Guzman's for Isabela's engagement. Stay away from Luisa until I can talk to her. Tonight we can have anymore problems." Abuela said as she walked to the stairs.

Oh how much Mirabel wanted to push her down the stairs. She prayed that she tripped and landed onto her neck. Just you know, for extra precautions. "Oh, and whatever your doing. Stop doing it." She left and Mirabel flinched. She paused as she looked over to Luisa's door. She could hear your voice coming from inside, attempting at comforting Luisa as she just sobbed her eyes out.

Mirabel rolled her eyes as she entered her room to see Carlos on her bed. He saw her and shape shifted into a rat, and Mirabel shoved him out of the room. Serves him right. Mirabel took the vision and pieced it together. "Why am I in your vision Tio Bruno..?" She whispered. A lighting crack could be heard. She turned around to be met with her Tia Pepa. "Tia, jeez..." Mirabel laughed nervously. 

"Sorry. Sorry, sorry. I just.." she looked up and groaned. She started to shove the cloud out of the room and was successful. She went back to doing whatever she had to do. "I just came here to get the last of Tonito's things. Then I heard the name we don't speak." She paused and looked up. The cloud was back again. Pepa grumbled. Mirabel looked down to see the floor was getting rained on. If she didn't stop and someone stood right where the puddle is, there could be a cave in.

Mirabel didn't want a cave in. You could stand there next and getting hurt. Or even worse, killed! "Great. Now I'm thundering, and a thunder will lead to a drizzle! And a drizzle will lead to a sprinkle!" She stopped and put her hand in the air, trying to calm down. "Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies." Pepa sat down. Mirabel stood and stared at the woman in front of her. The silence was kind of awkward. Mirabel blinked and paused trying to speak. 

However no words came out of her mouth.

1006 words

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