Bashful Mirabel's and grumpy Camilo's

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It was night now. Camilo practically was dragging you all throughout the town, throwing in an occasional flirt every now in then. With Antonio giggling while you made a face of discomfort. You were tired as all get out. You just wanted to sleep for all eternity. He wasn't being out of character. Or at least in you opinion. Just happy see someone his age who he could play or talk to. Most likely play though. You did feel uncomfortable though because Camilo would look at you, and you would feel like you were the bunny. And he was the fox.

The damn fox who would come into a home and kill everything. You shook your head at the memory and headed to where the room that should've been yours. You walked over to the bed and sat down. Feeling the softest covers anyone could ever feel. You instantly fell asleep and subconsciously wrapped the blankets around you like a burrito.

You woke to a knock on your windowsill. You didn't have any windows. Which was probably why it was at least a little bit cooler at night but extremely warm. You looked groggily to the window sill. A note with red ink and a heart plastered upon its smooth surface. Well it did have a metallic smell. But so did other inks right? You blinked and put the letter somewhere else. Not bothering since tomorrow was when Antonio gets his gift. 

Was definitely an interesting gift though. In your opinion you felt as though in the movie, everyone already knew there gifts. For example, Camilo. Sounds familiar to Chameleon right? You shook your head and tried to drift off to sleep. Not seeing a pair of eyes that had watching in utter disappointment that you didn't read the letter. But alas headed back to their huge home where all the other people with gifts resided in. 

It was morning now. You had planned to get more clothes today, since you were a new resident of this world. The world of obsession. At least that's what the letter said. In small and tiny print after the writer called you annoying. Some nerve. You blinked and took a towel that was nearby and headed inside the shower.

You had finished and headed outside in hopes of doing or finding something that you could do for the day and not be incredibly bored out of your mind, waiting patiently for the gift ceremony to begin. Maybe you could see if Mirabel could sing again today since it was the day of Antonio getting his gift. When she had last sung, she was just singing about how cool her family was. Not introducing them properly. You headed into two and successfully bought the clothes, and headed back to your house so you could try and catch up to Mirabel. She did sing rather nicely. 

You heard music again and heard about her talking (more like singing) and introducing the Madrigals. This was your chance! You walked up behind her and followed behind her, just like an obedient little child who what about to earn a reward or something. She noticed you, eyes widened. She looked like a deer stopped in the middle of the road with head lights in her eyes. But you weren't about to tell her that.

But she didn't stop her song. She just continued. She did stop when a random child walked up behind her and stopped her from walking. You blinked when she was 'given' an instrument.  To continue singing about the Madrigals. She tried to get out of it by sending a pleading look before running while singing. What a show-off. You smirked and ran after the swarm of kids seeing as Mirabel was having a lot of trouble keeping the kids away.

You giggled and continued to run after Mirabel. You caught up to the group of a children and Mirabel. You blocked the kids' way and said, "Sorry kids! It looks like Mirabel is busy right now. You should probably head home." You said with a fake sad smile on. You turned your head to see Mirabel giving you a grateful smile. Abuela and Dolores came to the front door to see what all the commotion was about. "But Miss, Mirabel what about to tell us her super awesome amazing gift!" She shouted.

"Oh, Mirabel didn't get one." Dolores practically whispered. The kids turned there gaze to Mirabel as she chuckled nervously. You laughed nervously as well. You then gulped. Earning the attention of Mirabel. Then another random guy came up with the supplies, like fireworks for Antonio's gift ceremony.  "Here is the most specialist gift basket for the most un-special kid ever!" He said in the most happiest tone ever.

You gave him the look of like 'what the actual heck is wrong with you.' Kind of look. He noticed me staring at me and nervously chuckled and hopped back on his donkey and rode off. Probably back to his house. "Um, excuse me...?" Someone called out. You turned your head to the voice. It was Mirabel! "Y/N." You said as you smiled. "Ah, yes Y/N! Do you think you can help me carry this, it's really heavy." She said as she gestured to the bag full of goodies. 

"Sure! I don't mind." You said as you smiled. You could have swore that she was blushing as you accidently grasped her hand. You blushed at your mistake. You giggled and helped her carry the bag through the door way. Grabbing the attention of almost everyone inside of the house. Camilo was the first one to notice. He smiled like a child that had walked right into a candy shop. He ran up to you and engulfed you into a giant bear hug. 

You blushed and slightly pushed him off of you. Him groaning in return. You giggled at his childishness. You went back to helping Mirabel. Once again drawing the attention of a sweet and perfect Isabela. She blushed just by looking at you. But then giggled. Trying to make enough noise to gain your attention and look at her. She finally had enough and swung down on the flower like swing. Finally gaining the attention of you and a grumpy Mirabel. Isabela blushed as you looked at her. You tilted your head in confusion. Which only made her blush more. 

Oh dear. Today is going to more complicated than I thought would be.


1075 words

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