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I hear a weird noise coming from Natasha's room so I climb into the vents to check. I crawl over to the vent that hovered over Natasha's room. Natasha and Bruce were there, kissing rapidly, stripping eachother. I gasp and I climb back into my room. I couldn't bare to face Natasha so I did the wrist thing ever. I text her saying you did a crappy thing to me so I will too, I saw you and Bruce kissing we're over! I sent the message and went to the training room. I was training and Kate came in. She could sense I was tense. Without saying a word she hugged me. I pull out.
Y/n- thank you Kate.
Kate- no problem. So we're going shopping right?
We both start to laugh. We get changed into appropriate.
Kate- I knew you never got kidnapped.
Y/n- how?
Kate- Peter wouldn't let that happen. You just made him think by sneaking of.
Y/n- bravo.
I write a note and leave it on the table so the Avengers knew I was back. We walk back in bursting it of laughing at 10pm.
Tony- finally, you're back.
Y/n- yep...
Bruce scans me up and down.
Bruce- they're drunk.
Kate- noooo... We're pished.
Steve- we'll just leave you two then.
We both stumble over to the kitchen.
Wanda- right I'll get y/n to bed, Clint you get Kate.
Wanda walks up to me
Wanda- ok let's get you to bed.
Y/n- in bed with Wanda Maximoff today must be my lucky day.
Wanda awkwardly laughs and lifts me up. She lays me on my bed. She looked down at me but I was already passed out. She softly kissed my forehead and left the room. I woke up and as I left my room, feeling dizzy Wanda was outside her room.
Wanda- oh morning. I was thinking I should drive you to school.
Y/n- thank you.
We both walk into the kitchen.
Wanda- want to make pancakes?
Wanda goes on her tip-toes and reaches for the pancake syrup.

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